
4.2 KiB

YAML Configuration

The configuration file is read for each request, there's no need to stop the server to make edits.


Defaults to empty, set if you want to serve under a subpath

basepath: "/cv"


Sets the default theme that is loaded when people visit your CV

theme: "dark"

meta section

These values correspond to tags in the `<head> section.

  • meta.title sets the <title> meta tag content
  • meta.github-corner enables/disables the GitHub link to this repo in the top-right corner
  • meta.favicon is still WIP, will point to a local or remote favicon assett
  • meta.language sets the language for the headings in the document (e.g. SUMMARY), also the <meta name="language"> tag
    • Only English and Finnish translations for now, but adding new ones is simple (not much to translate)
  • Others correspond to <meta name="tag name">
  robots: "index, follow"
  language: "en-EN"
  author: "Mickey Mouse"
  theme-color: "#bd93f9"
  title: ""
  description: ""
  favicon: ""
  github-corner: false

profile (the main content definitions)

Main info fields

Other info fields are quite self-explanatory, except

  • profile.photo
    • Can be a local file. In this case the path is relative to the photo to use, meaning ./data/photo/, data/photo/ and /data/photo/ all mean a folder under the directory the binary is in. NOT AN ABSOLUTE OS PATH
    • Can be a URL to a remote asset
  • profile.summary Can be written on multiple lines by using the standard YAML >, | etc selectors, and can additionally contain HTML. For example multiple paragraphs using <p></p>
  name: "Mickey Mouse"
  title: "Professional job applicant"
  city: "City, Country"
  phone: "+358 xx xxx xxxx"
  email: "your@email.com"
  photo: "./data/photo/Mickey_Mouse_Steamboat_Willie.jpg"
  summary: >-
    Insert summary here. Multiple
    lines can be used, but line breaks are determined
    by the renderer    


A YAML List of previous jobs. Noteworthy is the description, which is also a list of items, corresponding to e.g. different tasks or responsibilities

    - company: Company 1
      location: City, country
      title: Professional employee
      period: "03/2023 - "
        - Each item in this list
        - Will be a new item
        - In the CV
    - company: Company 2
      location: City, country
      title: Professional employee
      period: "03/2022 - 03/2023"
        - Each item in this list
        - Will be a new item
        - In the CV
    - company: Company 3
      location: City, country
      title: Professional employee
      period: "03/2021 - 03/2022"
        - Each item in this list
        - Will be a new item
        - In the CV


A YAML list of prior education history items. These may not fit every imaginable education, but the fields are not named in the resulting CV, so they can be used a bit creatively.

  • profile.education.degree is the main title
  • profile.education.name is the subtitle
    - degree: B.S. in Job interviews
      name: Job interviewee
      faculty: School for Job applicants
      city: City, Country
      period: 1/1996 - 12/1996
    - degree: Undergraduate of CV Authoring
      name: Technical writer
      faculty: School for Job applicants
      city: City, Country
      period: 1/1995 - 12/1995

profile.skills, profile.languages

  • name and the amount of starts to give each (1-5)
    - name: Skill 1
      level: 1
    - name: Skill 2
      level: 2
    - name: Skill 3
      level: 3
    - name: Skill 4
      level: 4
    - name: Skill 5
      level: 5
    - name: Language 1
      level: 5
    - name: Language 2
      level: 4
    - name: Language 1
      level: 3
    - name: Language 2
      level: 2


Other mentionable courses, etc that don't quite fit the others, for example driver's license, any certificate like CKAD

    - name: Certified Kubernetes Application Developer
    - name: Driver's License (commercial)