## YAML Configuration The configuration file is read for each request, there's no need to stop the server to make edits. ### `basepath` Defaults to empty, set if you want to serve under a subpath ```YAML basepath: "/cv" ``` ### `theme` Sets the default theme that is loaded when people visit your CV ```YAML theme: "dark" ``` ### `meta` section These values correspond to tags in the ` section. - `meta.title` sets the `` meta tag content - `meta.github-corner` enables/disables the GitHub link to this repo in the top-right corner - `meta.favicon` is still WIP, will point to a local or remote favicon assett - `meta.language` sets the language for the headings in the document (e.g. SUMMARY), also the `<meta name="language">` tag - Only English and Finnish translations for now, but adding new ones is simple (not much to translate) - Others correspond to `<meta name="tag name">` ```YAML meta: robots: "index, follow" language: "en-EN" author: "Mickey Mouse" theme-color: "#bd93f9" title: "" description: "" favicon: "" github-corner: false ``` ## `profile` (the main content definitions) ### Main info fields Other info fields are quite self-explanatory, except - `profile.photo` - Can be a local file. In this case the path is relative to the photo to use, meaning `./data/photo/`, `data/photo/` and `/data/photo/` all mean a folder under the directory the binary is in. **NOT AN ABSOLUTE OS PATH** - Can be a URL to a remote asset - `profile.summary` Can be written on multiple lines by using the standard YAML `>`, `|` etc selectors, and can additionally contain HTML. For example multiple paragraphs using `<p></p>` ```YAML profile: name: "Mickey Mouse" title: "Professional job applicant" city: "City, Country" phone: "+358 xx xxx xxxx" email: "your@email.com" photo: "./data/photo/Mickey_Mouse_Steamboat_Willie.jpg" summary: >- Insert summary here. Multiple lines can be used, but line breaks are determined by the renderer ``` ### `profile.experience` A YAML List of previous jobs. Noteworthy is the description, which is also a list of items, corresponding to e.g. different tasks or responsibilities ```YAML profile: experience: - company: Company 1 location: City, country title: Professional employee period: "03/2023 - " description: - Each item in this list - Will be a new item - In the CV - company: Company 2 location: City, country title: Professional employee period: "03/2022 - 03/2023" description: - Each item in this list - Will be a new item - In the CV - company: Company 3 location: City, country title: Professional employee period: "03/2021 - 03/2022" description: - Each item in this list - Will be a new item - In the CV ``` ### `profile.education` A YAML list of prior education history items. These may not fit every imaginable education, but the fields are not named in the resulting CV, so they can be used a bit creatively. - `profile.education.degree` is the main title - `profile.education.name` is the subtitle ```YAML profile: education: - degree: B.S. in Job interviews name: Job interviewee faculty: School for Job applicants city: City, Country period: 1/1996 - 12/1996 - degree: Undergraduate of CV Authoring name: Technical writer faculty: School for Job applicants city: City, Country period: 1/1995 - 12/1995 ``` ### `profile.skills`, `profile.languages` - name and the amount of starts to give each (1-5) ```YAML profile: skills: - name: Skill 1 level: 1 - name: Skill 2 level: 2 - name: Skill 3 level: 3 - name: Skill 4 level: 4 - name: Skill 5 level: 5 languages: - name: Language 1 level: 5 - name: Language 2 level: 4 - name: Language 1 level: 3 - name: Language 2 level: 2 ``` ### `profile.certificates` Other mentionable courses, etc that don't quite fit the others, for example driver's license, any certificate like CKAD ```YAML profile: certificates: - name: Certified Kubernetes Application Developer - name: Driver's License (commercial) ```