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# Hemppa - generic modular Matrix bot
This bot is meant to be super easy platform to write Matrix bot functionality
in Python. It uses matrix-nio library https://github.com/poljar/matrix-nio/ for
Matrix communications.
Zero configuration except minimal Matrix account info is needed. Everything else can
be done with bot commands.
Type !help in room with this bot running to list active modules.
If you don't want some modules, just delete the files from modules directory.
## Module list
### Help
Prints help on existing modules.
### Echo
Simple example module that just echoes what user said.
### Metar
Aviation weather metar service access.
### TAF
Aviation weather TAF service access.
### Uptime
Prints bot uptime.
### Teamup
Can access Teamup ( https://teamup.com/ ) calendar. Teamup has nice API and is easier to set up than Google so
prefer it if possible. This bot polls the calendar every 5 minutes and notifies the room of any changes.
* Create a calendar in Teamup https://teamup.com/
* Get api key at https://teamup.com/api-keys/request
* !teamup apikey [your api key]
* !teamup add [calendar id]
* !teamup apikey [apikey] - set api key
* !teamup - list upcoming events in calendar
* !teamup add [calendar id] - add calendar to this room
* !teamup del [calendar id] - delete calendar from this room
* !teamup list - list calendars in this room
* !teamup poll - poll now for changes
### Google Calendar
Can access a google calendar in a room. This is a bit pain to set up, sorry.
To set up, you'll need to generate oauth2 credentials.json file - see https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
Run the bot on *local* machine as OAuth2 wants to open localhost url in your browser. I haven't found out an easy way to
do this on server.
There is a empty credentials.json file in the bot directory. Replace it with yours. When credentials.json is present, you must
authenticate the bot to access calendar. There will be a link in console like this:
``` text
Please visit this URL to authorize this application: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?response_type=code&client_id=907....
Open the link and authenticate as needed. A new file token.pickle will be created in the directory and bot will read it in future.
Save the token.pickle and ship it with the bot to your server.
Now the bot should be usable.
Use !googlecal add [calendar id] to add new calendar to a room. The bot lists availble calendar ID's on startup and you can find them
in google calendar.
* !googlecal - Show next 10 events in calendar
* !googlecal today - Show today's events
* !googlecal add [calendar id] - Add new calendar to room
* !googlecal del [calendar id] - Delete calendar from room
* !googlecal list - List calendars in this room
### Cron
Can schedule things to be done.
* !cron daily [hour] [command] - Run command on start of hour
* !cron list - List commands in this room
* !cron clear - Clear command s in this room
* !cron daily 19 "It is now 19 o clock"
* !cron daily 8 "!googlecal today"
### Location
Can search OpenStreetMaps for locations and send Matrix location events from them. Translates Matrix location events into OSM links.
* !loc [location] - search for location
* !loc Tampere
## Bot setup
* Create a Matrix user
* Get user's access token - In Riot Web see Settings / Help & about
## Running on host
Run something like (tested on Ubuntu):
``` bash
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install pipenv
pipenv shell
pipenv install --pre
MATRIX_USER="@user:matrix.org" MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN="MDAxOGxvYlotofcharacters53CgYAYFgo" MATRIX_SERVER="https://matrix.org" JOIN_ON_INVITE=True python3 bot.py
## Running with Docker
Create .env file and set variables:
``` bash
Note: without quotes!
Just run:
``` bash
docker-compose up
## Env variables
User, access token and server should be self-explanatory. Set JOIN_ON_INVITE to anything if you want the bot to
join invites automatically.
You can set MATRIX_PASSWORD if you want to get access token. Normally you can use Riot to get it.
## Module API
Just write a python file with desired command name and place it in modules. See current modules for
examples. No need to register it anywhere else.
* matrix_start - Called once on startup
* async matrix_message - Called when a message is sent to room starting with !module_name
* matrix_stop - Called once before exit
* async matrix_poll - Called every 10 seconds
* help - Return one-liner help text
* get_settings - Must return a dict object that can be converted to JSON and sent to server
* set_settings - Load these settings. It should be the same JSON you returned in previous get_settings
You only need to implement the ones you need. See existing bots for examples.
Module settings are stored in Matrix account data.
If you write a new module, please make a PR if it's something useful for others.