# snapsh Btrfs snapshot managing bash script ### Requirements: - `bash` - GNU `setopt` - part of GNU `coreutils` - `btrfs-progs`- Userspace programs for btrfs ### Instructions: - Script needs the toplevel subvolume (id=5) mounted somewhere. Default location is `/root/btrfs-toplevel`, but you can mount it anywhere you like and define it with `TOPLEVEL` variable. (A separate config file will be implemented later). - Will create a subvolume named snapshots by default to the toplevel. This can also be changed with `SNAPSHOTS_LOCATION`. - Display usage instructions with `snapsh -h` or `snapsh --help` - Taking snapshots requires root priviledges. Take a snapshot with `snapsh -s SUBVOLUME` or `snapsh --snapshot SUBVOLUME`, where `SUBVOLUME` is the name of the source subvolume. Example with Fedora default btrfs layout with `root` and `home` subvolumes:
`snapsh -s root`
This will create a snapshot called `root_snapshot_YYYY.MM.DD-hh:mm:ss` to the `snapshots` subvolume (or the one you defined with `SNAPSHOTS_LOCATION`)