apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: nextcloud-config data: POSTGRES_USER: nextcloud POSTGRES_DB: nextcloud POSTGRES_PASSWORD: supersecretPassw0rd NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_USER: administrator NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD: adminPassw0rd NEXTCLOUD_TRUSTED_DOMAINS: cloud.example.com REDIS_HOST: REDIS_PORT: 6379 TZ: Europe/Helsinki ## Optionally tweak these ## PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT: 3G PHP_UPLOAD_LIMIT: 10G --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: nextcloud creationTimestamp: "2022-05-25T09:38:11Z" labels: app: nextcloud annotations: spec: volumes: - hostPath: path: /path/to/nextcloud/clamav-config ## Path of mounted ClamAV configuration directory ## type: Directory name: clamav-config-host-1 - hostPath: path: /path/to/nextcloud/app ## Path of mounted web root on host (/var/www/nextcloud) ## type: Directory name: nextcloud-app-host-0 - hostPath: path: /path/to/nextcloud/redis ## Path of mounted Redis db dump directory ## type: Directory name: nextcloud-redis-host-0 - name: clamav-db persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: clamav-db - name: nextcloud-psql persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: nextcloud-psql containers: - name: clamav image: docker.io/clamav/clamav:latest #image: ghcr.io/0ranki/clamav-docker-arm64:v1.1.0 resources: {} securityContext: capabilities: drop: - CAP_MKNOD - CAP_NET_RAW - CAP_AUDIT_WRITE volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/lib/clamav name: clamav-db - mountPath: /etc/clamav name: clamav-config-host-1 - name: redis image: docker.io/library/redis:alpine args: - redis-server - --save - 60 - 1 - --loglevel - warning resources: {} securityContext: capabilities: drop: - CAP_MKNOD - CAP_NET_RAW - CAP_AUDIT_WRITE volumeMounts: - mountPath: /data name: nextcloud-redis-host-0 - name: psql image: docker.io/postgres:14-alpine args: - postgres command: - docker-entrypoint.sh envFrom: - configMapRef: name: nextcloud-config optional: false resources: {} securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: true capabilities: drop: - CAP_MKNOD - CAP_NET_RAW - CAP_AUDIT_WRITE privileged: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: false seLinuxOptions: {} volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data name: nextcloud-psql workingDir: / - name: app ## Remember to change cron container version! image: ghcr.io/0ranki/nextcloud-previews:latest ## Remember to change cron container version! #imagePullPolicy: never ports: - containerPort: 80 hostPort: 8082 envFrom: - configMapRef: name: nextcloud-config optional: false resources: {} securityContext: capabilities: drop: - CAP_MKNOD - CAP_NET_RAW - CAP_AUDIT_WRITE volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/www/html name: nextcloud-app-host-0 - name: cron # Remember to change main image version! image: ghcr.io/0ranki/nextcloud-previews:latest # Remember to change main image version! #imagePullPolicy: never args: - busybox - crond - -f - -l - 0 - -L - /dev/stdout env: - name: TZ value: Europe/Helsinki resources: {} securityContext: capabilities: drop: - CAP_MKNOD - CAP_NET_RAW - CAP_AUDIT_WRITE volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/www/html name: nextcloud-app-host-0 # - name: cloudflared # image: docker.io/cloudflare/cloudflared:latest # args: # - tunnel # - --no-autoupdate # - run # - --token # - ### CLOUDFLARE TOKEN TÄHÄN ### # resources: {} # securityContext: {} restartPolicy: Always status: {}