## Running with `podman kube play` The following YAML can be used to launch a pod with Nextcloud-previews, PostgreSQL, Redis, ClamAV and another Nextcloud-previews container for cron jobs. The YAML is also under the `examples` folder, along with the default ClamAV configuration. A separate reverse proxy is the simplest option for SSL. ### Setup Copy the YAML to a file on the host. Change the variables in the beginning and the hostPath.path fields (marked with comments) to match your environment. The example values would: - Have all host mounts under `/path/to/nextcloud` - `/path/to/nextcloud/app` containing all Nextcloud data - `/path/to/nextcloud/clamav-config` containing ClamAV configuration - `/path/to/nextcloud/redis` containing the Redis db dump, used to persist cache between restarts (login sessions, etc.) - Named volumes for `nextcloud-psql` and `clamav-db` for PostgreSQL and ClamAV databases - Expose the Apache HTTP port on host port 8082 You need to create the directories for persistent data manually. The ClamAV container requires configuration files present in the config directory, others populate the host directory automatically if empty. If using SELinux, change the context type of the folders to `container_file_t` with `sudo chcon -t container_file_t /path/to/nextcloud`. ### Running Pull the images and start the the pod with the command ``` podman kube play /path/to/nextcloud-podman.yaml ``` It may be a good idea to always add `--replace` argument to the start command so an existing pod is replaced. The command will fail without it if a pod with the same name already exists. Podman automatically pulls the images when using `kube play` - Stop the pod with `podman kube play /path/to/nextcloud-podman.yaml --down` - Restart, re-pull and recreate all containers with `podman kube play /path/to/nextcloud-podman.yaml --replace` ### Cloudflare tunnel (optional) In the end there's a container for Cloudflare tunnel. To use a CF tunnel, create a tunnel in the CF dashboard, point the tunnel to `http://localhost:8082`, uncomment the section and insert your token as the last argument for the container CMD, for example: ``` ... args: - tunnel - --no-autoupdate - run - --token - asdfghjklqwertyuiop1234567890 ``` ### Run as service [See SYSTEMD.md](SYSTEMD.md) YAML: ``` apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: nextcloud-config data: POSTGRES_USER: nextcloud POSTGRES_DB: nextcloud POSTGRES_PASSWORD: supersecretPassw0rd NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_USER: administrator NEXTCLOUD_ADMIN_PASSWORD: adminPassw0rd NEXTCLOUD_TRUSTED_DOMAINS: cloud.example.com REDIS_HOST: # Don't change this REDIS_PORT: 6379 # or this TZ: Europe/Helsinki ## Optionally tweak these ## PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT: 3G PHP_UPLOAD_LIMIT: 10G --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: nextcloud creationTimestamp: "2022-05-25T09:38:11Z" labels: app: nextcloud annotations: spec: volumes: - hostPath: path: /path/to/nextcloud/clamav-config ## Path of mounted ClamAV configuration directory on host ## type: Directory name: clamav-config-host-1 - hostPath: path: /path/to/nextcloud/app ## Path of mounted web root on host (/var/www/nextcloud) on host ## type: Directory name: nextcloud-app-host-0 - hostPath: path: /path/to/nextcloud/redis ## Path of mounted Redis db dump directory on host ## type: Directory name: nextcloud-redis-host-0 - name: clamav-db persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: clamav-db - name: nextcloud-psql persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: nextcloud-psql containers: - name: clamav image: docker.io/clamav/clamav:latest # image: ghcr.io/0ranki/clamav-docker-arm64:v1.1.0 ## ClamAV ARM64 image (e.g. Raspberry Pi 4) resources: {} securityContext: capabilities: drop: - CAP_MKNOD - CAP_NET_RAW - CAP_AUDIT_WRITE volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/lib/clamav name: clamav-db - mountPath: /etc/clamav name: clamav-config-host-1 - name: redis image: docker.io/library/redis:alpine args: - redis-server - --save - 60 - 1 - --loglevel - warning resources: {} securityContext: capabilities: drop: - CAP_MKNOD - CAP_NET_RAW - CAP_AUDIT_WRITE volumeMounts: - mountPath: /data name: nextcloud-redis-host-0 - name: psql image: docker.io/postgres:14-alpine args: - postgres command: - docker-entrypoint.sh envFrom: - configMapRef: name: nextcloud-config optional: false resources: {} securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: true capabilities: drop: - CAP_MKNOD - CAP_NET_RAW - CAP_AUDIT_WRITE privileged: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: false seLinuxOptions: {} volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data name: nextcloud-psql workingDir: / - name: app ## Remember to change cron container version! image: ghcr.io/0ranki/nextcloud-previews:latest ## Remember to change cron container version! #imagePullPolicy: never ports: - containerPort: 80 hostPort: 8082 ## Change host listening port here envFrom: - configMapRef: name: nextcloud-config optional: false resources: {} securityContext: capabilities: drop: - CAP_MKNOD - CAP_NET_RAW - CAP_AUDIT_WRITE volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/www/html name: nextcloud-app-host-0 - name: cron # Remember to change main image version! image: ghcr.io/0ranki/nextcloud-previews:latest # Remember to change main image version! #imagePullPolicy: never args: - busybox - crond - -f - -l - 0 - -L - /dev/stdout envFrom: - configMapRef: name: nextcloud-config optional: false resources: {} securityContext: capabilities: drop: - CAP_MKNOD - CAP_NET_RAW - CAP_AUDIT_WRITE volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/www/html name: nextcloud-app-host-0 # - name: cloudflared # image: docker.io/cloudflare/cloudflared:latest # args: # - tunnel # - --no-autoupdate # - run # - --token # - ### CLOUDFLARE TOKEN HERE ### # resources: {} # securityContext: {} restartPolicy: Always status: {} ```