diff --git a/SYSTEMD.md b/SYSTEMD.md index 892c8d3..76bb15b 100644 --- a/SYSTEMD.md +++ b/SYSTEMD.md @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ ## Running the pod as a systemd service +- Follow the instructions in [PODMAN.md](PODMAN.md) to configure the pod - Copy `examples/pod-nextcloud.service` to your (preferably non-root) user's `$HOME/.config/systemd/user/` folder (create the directories if they don't exist yet) - Check that the paths are correct in the file. You can rename the service file too. - `sudo loginctl enable-linger $USER` to allow the user's services keep running after logout +- If the pod is already started manually with `podman kube play`, stop it - `systemctl --user enable --now pod-nextcloud.service` To update all the images and restart, run `systemctl --user restart pod-nextcloud.service`.