
664 lines
26 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
import functools
import glob
import importlib
import json
import yaml
import os
import re
import signal
import sys
import traceback
import urllib.parse
import logging
import logging.config
import datetime
import hashlib
from importlib import reload
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image
import requests
from nio import AsyncClient, InviteEvent, JoinError, RoomMessageText, MatrixRoom, LoginError, RoomMemberEvent, RoomVisibility, RoomPreset, RoomCreateError, RoomResolveAliasResponse, UploadError, UploadResponse, SyncError
# Couple of custom exceptions
class UploadFailed(Exception):
class CommandRequiresAdmin(Exception):
class CommandRequiresOwner(Exception):
class Bot:
def __init__(self):
self.appid = 'org.vranki.hemppa'
self.version = '1.5'
self.client = None
self.join_on_invite = False
self.modules = dict()
self.module_aliases = dict()
self.leave_empty_rooms = True
self.uri_cache = dict()
self.pollcount = 0
self.poll_task = None
self.owners = []
self.debug = os.getenv("DEBUG", "false").lower() == "true"
self.logger = None
self.jointime = None # HACKHACKHACK to avoid running old commands after join
self.join_hack_time = 5 # Seconds
def initialize_logger(self):
if os.path.exists('config/logging.yml'):
with open('config/logging.yml') as f:
config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.Loader)
log_format = '%(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s'
self.logger = logging.getLogger("hemppa")
if self.debug:
self.logger.info("enabled debugging")
self.logger.debug("Logger initialized")
def get_uri_cache(self, url, blob=False):
:param url: Url of binary content of the image to upload
:param blob: Flag to indicate if the second param is an url or a binary content
:return: [matrix_uri, mimetype, w, h, size], or None
cache_key = url
if blob: ## url is bytes, cannot be used a key for cache
cache_key = hashlib.md5(url).hexdigest()
return self.uri_cache.get(cache_key)
async def upload_and_send_image(self, room, url, text=None, blob=False, blob_content_type="image/png", no_cache=False):
:param room: A MatrixRoom the image should be send to after uploading
:param url: Url of binary content of the image to upload
:param text: A textual representation of the image
:param blob: Flag to indicate if the second param is an url or a binary content
:param blob_content_type: Content type of the image in case of binary content
:param no_cache: Set to true if you want to bypass cache and always re-upload the file
if not text and not blob:
text = f"Image: {url}"
res = self.get_uri_cache(url, blob=blob)
if res:
matrix_uri, mimetype, w, h, size = res
return await self.send_image(room, matrix_uri, text, mimetype, w, h, size)
except ValueError: # broken cache?
self.logger.warning(f"Image cache for {url} could not be unpacked, attempting to re-upload...")
matrix_uri, mimetype, w, h, size = await self.upload_image(url, blob=blob, no_cache=no_cache)
except (UploadFailed, ValueError):
return await self.send_text(room, f"Sorry. Something went wrong fetching {url} and uploading it to the image to matrix server :(")
return await self.send_image(room, matrix_uri, text, mimetype, w, h, size)
# Helper function to upload a image from URL to homeserver. Use send_image() to actually send it to room.
# Throws exception if upload fails
async def upload_image(self, url_or_bytes, blob=False, blob_content_type="image/png", no_cache=False):
:param url_or_bytes: Url or binary content of the image to upload
:param blob: Flag to indicate if the first param is an url or a binary content
:param blob_content_type: Content type of the image in case of binary content
:param no_cache: Flag to indicate whether to cache the resulting uploaded details
:return: A MXC-Uri https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.6.0#mxc-uri, Content type, Width, Height, Image size in bytes
self.client: AsyncClient
response: UploadResponse
cache_key = url_or_bytes
if blob: ## url is bytes, cannot be used a key for cache
cache_key = hashlib.md5(url).hexdigest()
if no_cache:
cache_key = None
if blob:
i = Image.open(BytesIO(url_or_bytes))
image_length = len(url_or_bytes)
content_type = blob_content_type
(response, alist) = await self.client.upload(lambda a, b: url_or_bytes, blob_content_type, filesize=image_length)
self.logger.debug(f"start downloading image from url {url_or_bytes}")
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
url_response = requests.get(url_or_bytes, headers=headers)
self.logger.debug(f"response [status_code={url_response.status_code}, headers={url_response.headers}")
if url_response.status_code == 200:
content_type = url_response.headers.get("content-type")
self.logger.info(f"uploading content to matrix server [size={len(url_response.content)}, content-type: {content_type}]")
(response, alist) = await self.client.upload(lambda a, b: url_response.content, content_type)
self.logger.debug("response: %s", response)
i = Image.open(BytesIO(url_response.content))
image_length = len(url_response.content)
self.logger.error("unable to request url: %s", url_response)
raise UploadFailed
if isinstance(response, UploadResponse):
self.logger.info("uploaded file to %s", response.content_uri)
res = [response.content_uri, content_type, i.size[0], i.size[1], image_length]
if cache_key:
self.uri_cache[cache_key] = res
return res
response: UploadError
self.logger.error("unable to upload file. msg: %s", response.message)
raise UploadFailed
async def send_text(self, room, body, msgtype="m.notice", bot_ignore=False):
:param room: A MatrixRoom the text should be send to
:param body: Textual content of the message
:param msgtype: The message type for the room https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/latest#m-room-message-msgtypes
:param bot_ignore: Flag to mark the message to be ignored by the bot
:return: the NIO Response from room_send()
msg = {
"body": body,
"msgtype": msgtype,
if bot_ignore:
msg["org.vranki.hemppa.ignore"] = "true"
return await self.client.room_send(room.room_id, 'm.room.message', msg)
async def send_html(self, room, html, plaintext, msgtype="m.notice", bot_ignore=False):
:param room: A MatrixRoom the html should be send to
:param html: Html content of the message
:param plaintext: Plaintext content of the message
:param msgtype: The message type for the room https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/latest#m-room-message-msgtypes
:param bot_ignore: Flag to mark the message to be ignored by the bot
msg = {
"msgtype": msgtype,
"format": "org.matrix.custom.html",
"formatted_body": html,
"body": plaintext
if bot_ignore:
msg["org.vranki.hemppa.ignore"] = "true"
await self.client.room_send(room.room_id, 'm.room.message', msg)
async def send_location(self, room, body, latitude, longitude, bot_ignore=False):
:param room: A MatrixRoom the html should be send to
:param html: Html content of the message
:param body: Plaintext content of the message
:param latitude: Latitude in WGS84 coordinates (float)
:param longitude: Longitude in WGS84 coordinates (float)
:param bot_ignore: Flag to mark the message to be ignored by the bot
locationmsg = {
"body": str(body),
"geo_uri": 'geo:' + str(latitude) + ',' + str(longitude),
"msgtype": "m.location",
await self.client.room_send(room.room_id, 'm.room.message', locationmsg)
async def send_image(self, room, url, body, mimetype=None, width=None, height=None, size=None):
:param room: A MatrixRoom the image should be send to
:param url: A MXC-Uri https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.6.0#mxc-uri
:param body: A textual representation of the image
:param mimetype: The mimetype of the image
:param width: Width in pixel of the image
:param height: Height in pixel of the image
:param size: Size in bytes of the image
msg = {
"url": url,
"body": body,
"msgtype": "m.image",
"info": {
"thumbnail_info": None,
"thumbnail_url": None,
if mimetype:
msg["info"]["mimetype"] = mimetype
if width:
msg["info"]["w"] = width
if height:
msg["info"]["h"] = height
if size:
msg["info"]["size"] = size
return await self.client.room_send(room.room_id, 'm.room.message', msg)
async def set_room_avatar(self, room, uri, mimetype=None, width=None, height=None, size=None):
:param room: A MatrixRoom the image should be send to
:param uri: A MXC-Uri https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.6.0#mxc-uri
:param mimetype: The mimetype of the image
:param width: Width in pixel of the image
:param height: Height in pixel of the image
:param size: Size in bytes of the image
msg = {
"url": uri,
"info": {
"thumbnail_info": None,
"thumbnail_url": None,
if mimetype:
msg["info"]["mimetype"] = mimetype
if width:
msg["info"]["w"] = width
if height:
msg["info"]["h"] = height
if size:
msg["info"]["size"] = size
return await self.client.room_put_state(room.room_id, 'm.room.avatar', msg)
async def send_msg(self, mxid, roomname, message):
:param mxid: A Matrix user id to send the message to
:param roomname: A Matrix room id to send the message to
:param message: Text to be sent as message
:return bool: Success upon sending the message
# Sends private message to user. Returns true on success.
msg_room = await self.find_or_create_private_msg(mxid, roomname)
if not msg_room or (type(msg_room) is RoomCreateError):
self.logger.error(f'Unable to create room when trying to message {mxid}')
return False
# Send message to the room
await self.send_text(msg_room, message)
return True
async def find_or_create_private_msg(self, mxid, roomname):
# Find if we already have a common room with user:
msg_room = None
for croomid in self.client.rooms:
roomobj = self.client.rooms[croomid]
if len(roomobj.users) == 2:
for user in roomobj.users:
if user == mxid:
msg_room = roomobj
# Nope, let's create one
if not msg_room:
msg_room = await self.client.room_create(visibility=RoomVisibility.private,
return msg_room
def remove_callback(self, callback):
for cb_object in self.client.event_callbacks:
if cb_object.func == callback:
self.logger.info("remove callback")
def get_room_by_id(self, room_id):
return self.client.rooms[room_id]
except KeyError:
return None
async def get_room_by_alias(self, alias):
rar = await self.client.room_resolve_alias(alias)
if type(rar) is RoomResolveAliasResponse:
return rar.room_id
return None
# Throws exception if event sender is not a room admin
def must_be_admin(self, room, event, power_level=50):
if not self.is_admin(room, event, power_level=power_level):
raise CommandRequiresAdmin
# Throws exception if event sender is not a bot owner
def must_be_owner(self, event):
if not self.is_owner(event):
raise CommandRequiresOwner
# Returns true if event's sender has PL50 or more in the room event was sent in,
# or is bot owner
def is_admin(self, room, event, power_level=50):
if self.is_owner(event):
return True
if event.sender not in room.power_levels.users:
return False
return room.power_levels.users[event.sender] >= power_level
# Returns true if event's sender is owner of the bot
def is_owner(self, event):
return event.sender in self.owners
# Checks if this event should be ignored by bot, including custom property
def should_ignore_event(self, event):
return "org.vranki.hemppa.ignore" in event.source['content']
def save_settings(self):
module_settings = dict()
for modulename, moduleobject in self.modules.items():
module_settings[modulename] = moduleobject.get_settings()
except Exception:
self.logger.exception(f'unhandled exception {modulename}.get_settings')
data = {self.appid: self.version, 'module_settings': module_settings, 'uri_cache': self.uri_cache}
def load_settings(self, data):
if not data:
if not data.get('module_settings'):
if data.get('uri_cache'):
self.uri_cache = data['uri_cache']
for modulename, moduleobject in self.modules.items():
if data['module_settings'].get(modulename):
except Exception:
self.logger.exception(f'unhandled exception {modulename}.set_settings')
async def message_cb(self, room, event):
# Ignore if asked to ignore
if self.should_ignore_event(event):
if self.debug:
self.logger.debug('Ignoring event!')
body = event.body
# Figure out the command
if not self.starts_with_command(body):
if self.owners_only and not self.is_owner(event):
self.logger.info(f"Ignoring {event.sender}, because they're not an owner")
await self.send_text(room, "Sorry, only bot owner can run commands.")
# HACK to ignore messages for some time after joining.
if self.jointime:
if (datetime.datetime.now() - self.jointime).seconds < self.join_hack_time:
self.logger.info(f"Waiting for join delay, ignoring message: {body}")
self.jointime = None
command = body.split().pop(0)
# Strip away non-alphanumeric characters, including leading ! for security
command = re.sub(r'\W+', '', command)
# Fallback to any declared aliases
moduleobject = self.modules.get(command) or self.modules.get(self.module_aliases.get(command))
if moduleobject is not None:
if moduleobject.enabled:
await moduleobject.matrix_message(self, room, event)
except CommandRequiresAdmin:
await self.send_text(room, f'Sorry, you need admin power level in this room to run that command.')
except CommandRequiresOwner:
await self.send_text(room, f'Sorry, only bot owner can run that command.')
except Exception:
await self.send_text(room, f'Module {command} experienced difficulty: {sys.exc_info()[0]} - see log for details')
self.logger.exception(f'unhandled exception in !{command}')
self.logger.error(f"Unknown command: {command}")
# TODO Make this configurable
# await self.send_text(room,
# f"Sorry. I don't know what to do. Execute !help to get a list of available commands.")
def starts_with_command(body):
"""Checks if body starts with ! and has one or more letters after it"""
return re.match(r"^!\w.*", body) is not None
async def invite_cb(self, room, event):
room: MatrixRoom
event: InviteEvent
if self.join_on_invite or self.is_owner(event):
for attempt in range(3):
self.jointime = datetime.datetime.now()
result = await self.client.join(room.room_id)
if type(result) == JoinError:
self.logger.error(f"Error joining room %s (attempt %d): %s", room.room_id, attempt, result.message)
self.logger.info(f"joining room '{room.display_name}'({room.room_id}) invited by '{event.sender}'")
self.logger.warning(f'Received invite event, but not joining as sender is not owner or bot not configured to join on invite. {event}')
async def memberevent_cb(self, room, event):
# Automatically leaves rooms where bot is alone.
if room.member_count == 1 and event.membership=='leave' and event.sender != self.matrix_user:
self.logger.info(f"Membership event in {room.display_name} ({room.room_id}) with {room.member_count} members by '{event.sender}' (I am {self.matrix_user})- leaving room as i don't want to be left alone!")
await self.client.room_leave(room.room_id)
def load_module(self, modulename):
self.logger.info(f'load module: {modulename}')
module = importlib.import_module('modules.' + modulename)
module = reload(module)
cls = getattr(module, 'MatrixModule')
return cls(modulename)
except Exception:
self.logger.exception(f'Module {modulename} failed to load')
return None
def reload_modules(self):
for modulename in self.modules:
self.logger.info(f'Reloading {modulename} ..')
self.modules[modulename] = self.load_module(modulename)
def get_modules(self):
modulefiles = glob.glob('./modules/*.py')
for modulefile in modulefiles:
modulename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(modulefile))[0]
moduleobject = self.load_module(modulename)
if moduleobject:
self.modules[modulename] = moduleobject
def clear_modules(self):
self.modules = dict()
async def poll_timer(self):
while True:
self.pollcount = self.pollcount + 1
for modulename, moduleobject in self.modules.items():
if moduleobject.enabled:
await moduleobject.matrix_poll(self, self.pollcount)
except Exception:
self.logger.exception(f'unhandled exception from {modulename}.matrix_poll')
await asyncio.sleep(10)
def set_account_data(self, data):
userid = urllib.parse.quote(self.matrix_user)
ad_url = f"{self.client.homeserver}/_matrix/client/r0/user/{userid}/account_data/{self.appid}?access_token={self.client.access_token}"
response = requests.put(ad_url, json.dumps(data))
if response.status_code != 200:
self.logger.error('Setting account data failed. response: %s json: %s', response, response.json())
def get_account_data(self):
userid = urllib.parse.quote(self.matrix_user)
ad_url = f"{self.client.homeserver}/_matrix/client/r0/user/{userid}/account_data/{self.appid}?access_token={self.client.access_token}"
response = requests.get(ad_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
self.logger.error(f'Getting account data failed: {response} {response.json()} - this is normal if you have not saved any settings yet.')
return None
def __handle_error_response(self, response):
if response.status_code == 401:
self.logger.error("access token is invalid or missing")
self.logger.info("NOTE: check MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN")
def init(self):
self.matrix_user = os.getenv('MATRIX_USER')
matrix_server = os.getenv('MATRIX_SERVER')
bot_owners = os.getenv('BOT_OWNERS')
access_token = os.getenv('MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN')
join_on_invite = os.getenv('JOIN_ON_INVITE')
owners_only = os.getenv('OWNERS_ONLY') is not None
leave_empty_rooms = os.getenv('LEAVE_EMPTY_ROOMS')
if matrix_server and self.matrix_user and bot_owners and access_token:
self.client = AsyncClient(matrix_server, self.matrix_user, ssl = matrix_server.startswith("https://"))
self.client.access_token = access_token
self.join_on_invite = (join_on_invite or '').lower() == 'true'
self.leave_empty_rooms = (leave_empty_rooms or 'true').lower() == 'true'
self.owners = bot_owners.split(',')
self.owners_only = owners_only
self.logger.error("The environment variables MATRIX_SERVER, MATRIX_USER, MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN and BOT_OWNERS are mandatory")
def start(self):
enabled_modules = [module for module_name, module in self.modules.items() if module.enabled]
self.logger.info(f'Starting {len(enabled_modules)} modules..')
for modulename, moduleobject in self.modules.items():
if moduleobject.enabled:
except Exception:
self.logger.exception(f'unhandled exception from {modulename}.matrix_start')
self.logger.info(f'All modules started.')
def stop(self):
self.logger.info(f'Stopping {len(self.modules)} modules..')
for modulename, moduleobject in self.modules.items():
except Exception:
self.logger.exception(f'unhandled exception from {modulename}.matrix_stop')
self.logger.info(f'All modules stopped.')
async def run(self):
sync_response = await self.client.sync()
if type(sync_response) == SyncError:
self.logger.error(f"Received Sync Error when trying to do initial sync! Error message is: %s", sync_response.message)
for roomid, room in self.client.rooms.items():
self.logger.info(f"Bot is on '{room.display_name}'({roomid}) with {len(room.users)} users")
if len(room.users) == 1 and self.leave_empty_rooms:
self.logger.info(f'Room {roomid} has no other users - leaving it.')
self.logger.info(await self.client.room_leave(roomid))
if self.client.logged_in:
self.poll_task = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(self.poll_timer())
self.client.add_event_callback(self.message_cb, RoomMessageText)
self.client.add_event_callback(self.invite_cb, (InviteEvent,))
self.client.add_event_callback(self.memberevent_cb, (RoomMemberEvent,))
if self.join_on_invite:
self.logger.info('Note: Bot will join rooms if invited')
self.logger.info('Bot running as %s, owners %s', self.client.user, self.owners)
self.bot_task = asyncio.create_task(self.client.sync_forever(timeout=30000))
await self.bot_task
self.logger.error('Client was not able to log in, check env variables!')
async def shutdown(self):
await self.close()
async def close(self):
await self.client.close()
self.logger.info("Connection closed")
except Exception as ex:
self.logger.error("error while closing client: %s", ex)
def handle_exit(self, signame, loop):
self.logger.info(f"Received signal {signame}")
if self.poll_task:
async def main():
bot = Bot()
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
for signame in {'SIGINT', 'SIGTERM'}:
getattr(signal, signame),
functools.partial(bot.handle_exit, signame, loop))
await bot.run()
await bot.shutdown()
except Exception as e: