
135 lines
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from github import Github
import re
import json
from modules.common.module import BotModule
# Helper class with reusable code for github project stuff
class GithubProject:
# New format to support array of colors: domains={"koneet":["#BFDADC","#0CBBF0","#0CBBF0","#E15D19","#ED49CF"],"tilat":["#0E8A16","#1E8A16"]}
def get_domains(description):
p = re.compile('domains=\{.*\}')
matches = json.loads(p.findall(description)[0][8:])
return matches
def get_domain(reponame, domain):
g = Github()
repo = g.get_repo(reponame)
domains = GithubProject.get_domains(repo.description)
if(not len(domains)):
return None, None
domain_colors = domains.get(domain, None)
if not domain_colors:
return None, None
open_issues = repo.get_issues(state='open')
domain_labels = []
labels = repo.get_labels()
for label in labels:
for domain_color in domain_colors:
if label.color == domain_color[1:]:
domain_issues = dict()
domain_ok = []
for label in domain_labels:
label_issues = []
for issue in open_issues:
if label in issue.labels:
if len(label_issues):
domain_issues[label.name] = label_issues
return domain_issues, domain_ok
def domain_to_string(reponame, issues, ok):
text_out = reponame + ":\n"
for label in issues.keys():
text_out = text_out + f'{label}: '
for issue in issues[label]:
# todo: add {issue.html_url} when URL previews can be disabled
text_out = text_out + f'[{issue.title}] '
text_out = text_out + f'\n'
text_out = text_out + " OK : " + ', '.join(ok)
return text_out
def domain_to_html(reponame, issues, ok):
html_out = f'<b>{reponame}:</b> <br/>'
for label in issues.keys():
html_out = html_out + f'🚧 {label}: '
for issue in issues[label]:
# todo: add {issue.html_url} when URL previews can be disabled
html_out = html_out + f'[{issue.title}] '
html_out = html_out + f'<br/>'
html_out = html_out + " OK ☑️ " + ', '.join(ok)
return html_out
class MatrixModule(BotModule):
def __init__(self, name):
self.repo_rooms = dict()
async def matrix_message(self, bot, room, event):
args = event.body.split()
if len(args) == 1:
if args[0] == 'rmrepo':
bot.must_be_admin(room, event)
del self.repo_rooms[room.room_id]
await bot.send_text(room, 'Github repo removed from this room.')
if args[0] == 'repo':
await bot.send_text(room, f'Github repo for this room is {self.repo_rooms.get(room.room_id, "not set")}.')
domain = args[0]
reponame = self.repo_rooms.get(room.room_id, None)
if reponame:
issues, ok = GithubProject.get_domain(reponame, domain)
if issues or ok:
await self.send_domain_status(bot, room, reponame, issues, ok)
await bot.send_text(room, f'No labels with domain {domain} found.')
await bot.send_text(room, f'No github repo set for this room. Use setrepo to set it.')
if len(args) == 2:
if args[0] == 'setrepo':
bot.must_be_admin(room, event)
reponame = args[1]
self.logger.info(f'Adding repo {reponame} to room id {room.room_id}')
self.repo_rooms[room.room_id] = reponame
await bot.send_text(room, f'Github repo {reponame} set to this room.')
await bot.send_text(room, 'Unknown command')
async def send_domain_status(self, bot, room, reponame, issues, ok):
text_out = GithubProject.domain_to_string(reponame, issues, ok)
html_out = GithubProject.domain_to_html(reponame, issues, ok)
await bot.send_html(room, html_out, text_out)
def help(self):
return 'Github asset management'
def get_settings(self):
data = super().get_settings()
data["repo_rooms"] = self.repo_rooms
return data
def set_settings(self, data):
if data.get("repo_rooms"):
self.repo_rooms = data["repo_rooms"]