from modules.common.module import BotModule import fnmatch class MatrixModule(BotModule): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) self.classes = dict() # classname <-> pattern async def matrix_message(self, bot, room, event): args = event.body.split() args.pop(0) if len(args) == 1: if args[0] == 'stats' or args[0] == 'roomstats': stats = dict() for name, pattern in self.classes.items(): stats[name] = 0 if args[0] == 'stats': allusers = self.get_users(bot) else: allusers = self.get_users(bot, room.room_id) total = len(allusers) if total == 0: await bot.send_text(room, "I don't see any users. How did this happen?") return matched = 0 for user in allusers: for name, pattern in self.classes.items(): match = fnmatch.fnmatch(user, pattern) if match: stats[name] = stats[name] + 1 matched = matched + 1 stats['Matrix'] = total - matched stats = dict(sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)) if args[0] == 'stats': reply = f'I am seeing total {len(allusers)} users in {len(} rooms:\n' else: reply = f'I am seeing {len(allusers)} users in this room:\n' for name in stats: reply = reply + f' - {name}: {stats[name]} ({round(stats[name] / total * 100, 2)}%)\n' await bot.send_text(room, reply) return if len(args) == 2: if args[0] == 'list': bot.must_be_owner(event) users = self.search_users(bot, args[1]) if len(users): await bot.send_text(room, ' '.join(users)) else: await bot.send_text(room, 'No matching users found!') return if args[0] == 'kick': bot.must_be_admin(room, event) users = self.search_users(bot, args[1]) if len(users): for user in users: self.logger.debug(f"Kicking {user} from {room.room_id} as requested by {event.sender}") await bot.client.room_kick(room.room_id, user) else: await bot.send_text(room, 'No matching users found!') return if args[0] == 'classify': if args[1] == 'list': await bot.send_text(room, f'Classes in use: {self.classes}.') return elif len(args) == 4: if args[0] == 'classify': if args[1] == 'add': bot.must_be_owner(event) name = args[2] pattern = args[3] self.classes[name] = pattern await bot.send_text(room, f'Added class {name} pattern {pattern}.') bot.save_settings() return elif len(args) == 3: if args[0] == 'classify': if args[1] == 'del': bot.must_be_owner(event) name = args[2] del self.classes[name] await bot.send_text(room, f'Deleted class {name}.') bot.save_settings() return await bot.send_text(room, 'Unknown command - please see readme') def get_users(self, bot, roomid=None): allusers = [] for croomid in if roomid and (roomid != croomid): break try: users =[croomid].users except (KeyError, ValueError) as e: self.logger.warning(f"Couldn't get user list in room with id {croomid}, skipping: {repr(e)}") continue for user in users: allusers.append(user) allusers = list(dict.fromkeys(allusers)) # Deduplicate return allusers def search_users(self, bot, pattern): allusers = self.get_users(self, bot) return fnmatch.filter(allusers, pattern) def help(self): return 'User management tools' def get_settings(self): data = super().get_settings() data["classes"] = self.classes return data def set_settings(self, data): super().set_settings(data) if data.get("classes"): self.classes = data["classes"] def matrix_start(self, bot): super().matrix_start(bot) = bot