import re import shlex from functools import lru_cache import httpx from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from nio import RoomMessageText, AsyncClient from modules.common.module import BotModule class MatrixModule(BotModule): """ Simple url fetch and spit out title module. Everytime a url is seen in a message we do http request to it and try to get a title tag contents to spit out to the room. """ def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) = None self.status = dict() # room_id -> what to do with urls self.STATUSES = { "OFF": "Not spamming this channel", "TITLE": "Spamming this channel with titles", "DESCRIPTION": "Spamming this channel with descriptions", "BOTH": "Spamming this channel with both title and description", } def matrix_start(self, bot): """ Register callback for all RoomMessageText events on startup """ super().matrix_start(bot) = bot bot.client.add_event_callback(self.text_cb, RoomMessageText) def matrix_stop(self, bot): super().matrix_stop(bot) bot.remove_callback(self.text_cb) async def text_cb(self, room, event): """ Handle client callbacks for all room text events """ # no content at all? if len(event.body) < 1: return # are we on in this room? status = self.status.get(room.room_id, "OFF") if status not in self.STATUSES: return if status == "OFF": return # extract possible urls from message urls = re.findall(r"(https?://\S+)", event.body) # no urls, nothing to do if len(urls) == 0: return # fetch the urls and if we can see a title spit it out for url in urls: try: title, description = self.get_content_from_url(url) except Exception: # failed fetching, give up continue msg = None if status == "TITLE" and title is not None: msg = f"Title: {title}" elif status == "DESCRIPTION" and description is not None: msg = f"Description: {description}" elif status == "BOTH" and title is not None and description is not None: msg = f"Title: {title}\nDescription: {description}" elif status == "BOTH" and title is not None: msg = f"Title: {title}" elif status == "BOTH" and description is not None: msg = f"Description: {description}" if msg is not None: await, msg) @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def get_content_from_url(self, url): """ Fetch url and try to get the title and description from the response """ title = None description = None try: r = httpx.get(url) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed fetching url {url}. Error: {e}") return (title, description) if r.status_code != 200: print(f"Failed fetching url {url}. Status code: {r.status_code}") return (title, description) # try parse and get the title try: soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser") title = soup.title.string.strip() descr_tag = soup.find("meta", attrs={"name": "description"}) if descr_tag: description = descr_tag.get("content", None) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed parsing response from url {url}. Error: {e}") return (title, description) return (title, description) async def matrix_message(self, bot, room, event): """ commands for setting what to do in this channel """ bot.must_be_admin(room, event) args = shlex.split(event.body) args.pop(0) # save the new status if len(args) == 1 and self.STATUSES.get(args[0].upper()) is not None: self.status[room.room_id] = args[0].upper() bot.save_settings() await bot.send_text( room, f"Ok, {self.STATUSES.get(self.status[room.room_id])}" ) return # show status elif len(args) == 1 and args[0] == "status": await bot.send_text( room, self.STATUSES.get(self.status.get(room.room_id, "OFF")) ) return # invalid command await bot.send_text( room, "Sorry, I did not understand. I only understand 'title', 'description', 'both' and 'status' commands", ) return def get_settings(self): data = super().get_settings() data['status'] = self.status return data def set_settings(self, data): super().set_settings(data) if data.get("status"): self.status = data["status"] def help(self): return "If I see a url in a message I will try to get the title from the page and spit it out"