import time from datetime import datetime from pyteamup import Calendar # # TeamUp calendar notifications # from modules.common.module import BotModule class MatrixModule(BotModule): api_key = None calendar_rooms = dict() # Roomid -> [calid, calid..] calendars = dict() # calid -> Calendar async def matrix_poll(self, bot, pollcount): if self.api_key: if pollcount % (6 * 5) == 0: # Poll every 5 min await self.poll_all_calendars(bot) async def matrix_message(self, bot, room, event): args = event.body.split() if len(args) == 1: if self.calendar_rooms.get(room.room_id): for calendarid in self.calendar_rooms.get(room.room_id): calendar = self.calendars[calendarid] events = calendar.get_event_collection() for event in events: s = '' + str( + \ '.' + str(event.start_dt.month) if not event.all_day: s = s + ' ' + \ event.start_dt.strftime( "%H:%M") + ' (' + str(event.duration) + ' min)' s = s + ' ' + event.title + \ " " + (event.notes or '') await bot.send_html(room, s, s) elif len(args) == 2: if args[1] == 'list': await bot.send_text(room, f'Calendars in this room: {self.calendar_rooms.get(room.room_id) or []}') elif args[1] == 'poll': bot.must_be_owner(event) await self.poll_all_calendars(bot) elif len(args) == 3: if args[1] == 'add': bot.must_be_admin(room, event) calid = args[2]'Adding calendar {calid} to room id {room.room_id}') if self.calendar_rooms.get(room.room_id): if calid not in self.calendar_rooms[room.room_id]: self.calendar_rooms[room.room_id].append(calid) else: await bot.send_text(room, 'This teamup calendar already added in this room!') return else: self.calendar_rooms[room.room_id] = [calid]'Calendars now for this room {self.calendar_rooms.get(room.room_id)}') bot.save_settings() self.setup_calendars() await bot.send_text(room, 'Added new teamup calendar to this room') if args[1] == 'del': bot.must_be_admin(room, event) calid = args[2]'Removing calendar {calid} from room id {room.room_id}') if self.calendar_rooms.get(room.room_id): self.calendar_rooms[room.room_id].remove(calid)'Calendars now for this room {self.calendar_rooms.get(room.room_id)}') bot.save_settings() self.setup_calendars() await bot.send_text(room, 'Removed teamup calendar from this room') if args[1] == 'apikey': bot.must_be_owner(event) self.api_key = args[2] bot.save_settings() self.setup_calendars() await bot.send_text(room, 'Api key set') def help(self): return ('Polls teamup calendar.') async def poll_all_calendars(self, bot): delete_rooms = [] for roomid in self.calendar_rooms: if roomid in bot.client.rooms: calendars = self.calendar_rooms[roomid] for calendarid in calendars: events, timestamp = self.poll_server( self.calendars[calendarid]) self.calendars[calendarid].timestamp = timestamp for event in events: await bot.send_text(bot.get_room_by_id(roomid), 'Calendar: ' + self.eventToString(event)) else: delete_rooms.append(roomid) for roomid in delete_rooms: self.calendar_rooms.pop(roomid, None) def poll_server(self, calendar): events, timestamp = calendar.get_changed_events(calendar.timestamp) return events, timestamp def to_datetime(self, dts): try: return datetime.strptime(dts, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') except ValueError: pos = len(dts) - 3 dts = dts[:pos] + dts[pos + 1:] return datetime.strptime(dts, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') def eventToString(self, event): startdt = self.to_datetime(event['start_dt']) if len(event['title']) == 0: event['title'] = '(empty name)' if (event['delete_dt']): s = event['title'] + ' deleted.' else: s = event['title'] + " " + (event['notes'] or '') + \ ' ' + str( + '.' + str(startdt.month) if not event['all_day']: s = s + ' ' + \ startdt.strftime("%H:%M") + \ ' (' + str(event['duration']) + ' min)' return s def setup_calendars(self): self.calendars = dict() if self.api_key: for roomid in self.calendar_rooms: calendars = self.calendar_rooms[roomid] for calid in calendars: self.calendars[calid] = Calendar(calid, self.api_key) self.calendars[calid].timestamp = int(time.time()) def get_settings(self): data = super().get_settings() data['apikey'] = self.api_key data['calendar_rooms'] = self.calendar_rooms return data def set_settings(self, data): super().set_settings(data) if data.get('calendar_rooms'): self.calendar_rooms = data['calendar_rooms'] if data.get('apikey'): self.api_key = data['apikey'] if self.api_key and len(self.api_key) == 0: self.api_key = None self.setup_calendars()