import re import requests from modules.common.module import BotModule # This module searches wikipedia for query, returns page summary and link. class MatrixModule(BotModule): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) self.api_url = '' async def matrix_message(self, bot, room, event): args = event.body.split() if len(args) > 1: query = event.body[len(args[0])+1:] try: response = requests.get(self.api_url, params={ 'action': 'query', 'prop': 'extracts', 'exintro': True, 'explaintext': True, 'titles': query, 'format': 'json', 'formatversion': 2 }) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() if 'query' not in data or 'pages' not in data['query'] or len(data['query']['pages']) == 0: await bot.send_text(room, 'No results found') return page = data['query']['pages'][0] if 'extract' not in page: await bot.send_text(room, 'No results found') return # Remove all html tags extract = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', page['extract']) # Remove any multiple spaces extract = re.sub(' +', ' ', extract) # Remove any new lines extract = re.sub('', '', extract) # Remove any tabs extract = re.sub('\t', '', extract) # Truncate to 500 chars extract = extract[:500] # Add a link to the page extract = extract + '\n' + str(page['pageid']) await bot.send_text(room, extract) return except Exception as exc: await bot.send_text(room, str(exc)) else: await bot.send_text(room, 'Usage: !wikipedia ') def help(self): return ('Wikipedia bot')