import re from modules.common.module import BotModule import requests class MatrixModule(BotModule): def __init__(self,name): super().__init__(name) self.motionurl = 'http://localhost:8080' self.cameras = [] self.allowed_cmds = { 'config': ['list','set','get','write'], 'detection': ['status','connection','start','pause'], 'action': ['eventstart','eventend','snapshot','restart','quit','end'] } self.restricted_cmds = ['list','set','get','write','start','pause','restart','quit','end'] self.helptext = """Control the motion daemon. Available commands: - config list|set|get|write - detection status|connection|start|pause - action eventstart|eventend|snapshot|restart|quit|end - url get|set Usage: '!cam category command' is the numerical id of the camera. Use 0 for all cameras. If is omitted, 0 is assumed.""" def get_settings(self): data = super().get_settings() data['motionurl'] = self.motionurl data['cameras'] = self.cameras return data def set_settings(self, data): super().set_settings(data) if data.get('motionurl'): self.motionurl = data['motionurl'] if data.get('cameras'): self.cameras = data['cameras'] async def matrix_message(self, bot, room, event): args = event.body.split() args.pop(0) if args[0] == 'help': await bot.send_text(room, self.helptext, event) return elif args[0] == 'url': if args[1] == 'set': newurl = args[2] bot.must_be_owner(event) self.motionurl = newurl bot.save_settings() await bot.send_text(room, f"Motion API URL set to {self.motionurl}", event) elif args[1] == 'get': await bot.send_text(room, f"Motion URL is currently {self.motionurl}", event) elif args[0] == 'cameras': if args[1] == 'set': bot.must_be_owner(event) self.cameras = args[2:] bot.save_settings() await bot.send_text(room, "Updated camera id list", event) elif args[1] == 'get': camstr = '' if len(self.cameras) == 0: await bot.send_text(room, "No camera ids configured", event) else: for n, cam in enumerate(self.cameras): camstr = camstr + cam if n < len(self.cameras) - 1: camstr = camstr + "," await bot.send_text(room, f"Following camera ids are configured:\n{camstr}", event) else: cmdindex = 1 try: # Check if first argument is numeric (camera id) camid = int(args[0]) camid = str(camid) except ValueError: cmdindex = 0 camid = '0' category = args[cmdindex] ## Quick commands start if category == 'now': if camid != '0': await self.get_snapshot(camid, bot, room, event) elif camid == '0' and len(self.cameras) > 0: for cam in self.cameras: await self.get_snapshot(cam, bot, room, event) else:"User requested snapshots with id 0, but no camera id list configured") await bot.send_text(room, "No camera ids configured", event) return ## Quick commands end if category not in self.allowed_cmds: await bot.send_text(room, f'Unknown category: "{args[1]}"', event) return cmdindex = cmdindex + 1 if args[cmdindex] not in self.allowed_cmds[category]: await bot.send_text(room, f'Unknown command: "{args[cmdindex]}"', event) return command = args[cmdindex] req_url = f'{self.motionurl}/{camid}/{category}/{command}' if command in self.restricted_cmds: bot.must_be_owner(event) if category == 'config' and command == 'get': queryparam = args[cmdindex + 1] req_url = f'{req_url}?query={queryparam}' elif category == 'config' and command == 'set': param = args[cmdindex + 1] value = args[cmdindex + 2] req_url = f'{req_url}?{param}={value}' if camid != 0 and command == 'snapshot': await self.get_snapshot(camid, bot, room, event) resp = requests.get(req_url).text await bot.send_text(room, resp, event) async def get_snapshot(self, camid, bot, room, event): imgurl = f"{self.motionurl.replace(':8080',':8081')}/{camid}/current""Fetching image from {imgurl}") await bot.upload_and_send_image(room, imgurl, event, no_cache=True) def help(self): return self.helptext.splitlines()[0]