from igramscraper.instagram import Instagram from igramscraper.exception.instagram_not_found_exception import InstagramNotFoundException from datetime import datetime, timedelta from random import randrange class MatrixModule: instagram = Instagram() known_ids = set() account_rooms = dict() # Roomid -> [account, account..] next_poll_time = dict() # Roomid -> datetime, None = not polled yet async def matrix_poll(self, bot, pollcount): if len(self.account_rooms): await self.poll_all_accounts(bot) async def poll_all_accounts(self, bot): now = for roomid in self.account_rooms: send_messages = True if not self.next_poll_time.get(roomid, None): self.next_poll_time[roomid] = now send_messages = False if now >= self.next_poll_time.get(roomid): accounts = self.account_rooms[roomid] for account in accounts: try: await self.poll_account(bot, account, roomid, send_messages) except InstagramNotFoundException: print('ig error: there is ', account, ' account that does not exist - deleting from room') self.account_rooms[roomid].remove(account) bot.save_settings() self.first_run = False async def poll_account(self, bot, account, roomid, send_messages): print('polling', account, roomid, send_messages) medias = self.instagram.get_medias(account, 5) for media in medias: if send_messages: if media.identifier not in self.known_ids: await bot.send_html(bot.get_room_by_id(roomid), f'Instagram {account}: {media.caption}', f'{account}: {media.caption} {}') self.known_ids.add(media.identifier) polldelay = timedelta(minutes=30 + randrange(30)) self.next_poll_time[roomid] = + polldelay async def matrix_message(self, bot, room, event): args = event.body.split() if len(args) == 2: if args[1] == 'list': await bot.send_text(room, f'Instagram accounts in this room: {self.account_rooms.get(room.room_id) or []}') elif args[1] == 'poll': bot.must_be_owner(event) for roomid in self.account_rooms: self.next_poll_time[roomid] = await self.poll_all_accounts(bot) elif args[1] == 'clear': bot.must_be_admin(room, event) self.account_rooms[room.room_id] = [] bot.save_settings() await bot.send_text(room, 'Cleared all instagram accounts from this room') if len(args) == 3: if args[1] == 'add': bot.must_be_admin(room, event) account = args[2] print(f'Adding account {account} to room id {room.room_id}') if self.account_rooms.get(room.room_id): if account not in self.account_rooms[room.room_id]: self.account_rooms[room.room_id].append(account) else: await bot.send_text(room, 'This instagram account already added in this room!') return else: self.account_rooms[room.room_id] = [account] print(f'Accounts now for this room {self.account_rooms.get(room.room_id)}') try: await self.poll_account(bot, account, room.room_id, False) bot.save_settings() await bot.send_text(room, 'Added new instagram account to this room') except InstagramNotFoundException: await bot.send_text(room, 'Account doesn\'t seem to exist') self.account_rooms[room.room_id].remove(account) elif args[1] == 'del': bot.must_be_admin(room, event) account = args[2] print(f'Removing account {account} from room id {room.room_id}') if self.account_rooms.get(room.room_id): self.account_rooms[room.room_id].remove(account) print(f'Accounts now for this room {self.account_rooms.get(room.room_id)}') bot.save_settings() await bot.send_text(room, 'Removed instagram account from this room') def get_settings(self): return { 'account_rooms': self.account_rooms } def set_settings(self, data): if data.get('account_rooms'): self.account_rooms = data['account_rooms'] def help(self): return('Instagram polling')