import collections import json from datetime import datetime from modules.common.module import BotModule class MatrixModule(BotModule): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) self.starttime = None self.can_be_disabled = False def matrix_start(self, bot): super().matrix_start(bot) self.starttime = async def matrix_message(self, bot, room, event): args = event.body.split(None, 2) if len(args) == 2: if args[1] == 'quit': await self.quit(bot, room, event) elif args[1] == 'version': await self.version(bot, room) elif args[1] == 'reload': await self.reload(bot, room, event) elif args[1] == 'status': await self.status(bot, room) elif args[1] == 'stats': await self.stats(bot, room) elif args[1] == 'leave': await self.leave(bot, room, event) elif args[1] == 'modules': await self.show_modules(bot, room) elif args[1] == 'export': await self.export_settings(bot, event) elif len(args) == 3: if args[1] == 'enable': await self.enable_module(bot, room, event, args[2]) elif args[1] == 'disable': await self.disable_module(bot, room, event, args[2]) elif args[1] == 'export': await self.export_settings(bot, event, module_name=args[2]) elif args[1] == 'import': await self.import_settings(bot, event) else: pass # TODO: Make this configurable. By default don't say anything. # await bot.send_text(room, 'Unknown command, sorry.') async def leave(self, bot, room, event): bot.must_be_admin(room, event)'{event.sender} asked bot to leave room {room.room_id}') await bot.send_text(room, f'By your command.') await bot.client.room_leave(room.room_id) async def stats(self, bot, room): roomcount = len(bot.client.rooms) usercount = 0 homeservers = dict() for croomid in bot.client.rooms: roomobj = bot.client.rooms[croomid] usercount = usercount + len(roomobj.users) for user in roomobj.users: hs = user.split(':')[1] if homeservers.get(hs): homeservers[hs] = homeservers[hs] + 1 else: homeservers[hs] = 1 homeservers = sorted(homeservers.items(), key=lambda kv: (kv[1], kv[0]), reverse=True) if len(homeservers) > 10: homeservers = homeservers[0:10] await bot.send_text(room, f'I\'m seeing {usercount} users in {roomcount} rooms. Top ten homeservers: {homeservers}') async def status(self, bot, room): uptime = - self.starttime await bot.send_text(room, f'Uptime {uptime} - system time is {} - loaded {len(bot.modules)} modules.') async def reload(self, bot, room, event): bot.must_be_owner(event) await bot.send_text(room, f'Reloading modules..') bot.stop() bot.reload_modules() bot.start() async def version(self, bot, room): await bot.send_text(room, f'Hemppa version {bot.version} -') async def quit(self, bot, room, event): bot.must_be_owner(event) await bot.send_text(room, f'Quitting, as requested')'{event.sender} commanded bot to quit, so quitting..') bot.bot_task.cancel() async def enable_module(self, bot, room, event, module_name): bot.must_be_owner(event)"Asked to enable {module_name}") if bot.modules.get(module_name): module = bot.modules.get(module_name) module.enable() module.matrix_start(bot) bot.save_settings() await bot.send_text(room, f"module {module_name} enabled") else: await bot.send_text(room, f"module with name {module_name} not found. execute !bot modules for a list of available modules") async def disable_module(self, bot, room, event, module_name): bot.must_be_owner(event)"asked to disable {module_name}") if bot.modules.get(module_name): module = bot.modules.get(module_name) if module.can_be_disabled: module.disable() module.matrix_stop(bot) bot.save_settings() await bot.send_text(room, f"module {module_name} disabled") else: await bot.send_text(room, f"module {module_name} cannot be disabled") else: await bot.send_text(room, f"module with name {module_name} not found. execute !bot modules for a list of available modules") async def show_modules(self, bot, room): modules_message = "Modules:\n" for modulename, module in collections.OrderedDict(sorted(bot.modules.items())).items(): state = 'Enabled' if module.enabled else 'Disabled' modules_message += f"{state}: {modulename} - {}\n" await bot.send_text(room, modules_message) async def export_settings(self, bot, event, module_name=None): bot.must_be_owner(event) data = bot.get_account_data()['module_settings'] if module_name: data = data[module_name]"{event.sender} is exporting settings for module {module_name}") else:"{event.sender} is exporting all settings") await bot.send_msg(event.sender, f'Private message from {bot.matrix_user}', json.dumps(data)) async def import_settings(self, bot, event): bot.must_be_owner(event)"{event.sender} is importing settings") try: account_data = bot.get_account_data() child = account_data['module_settings'] except KeyError: # no data yet account_data['module_settings'] = dict() child = account_data['module_settings'] key = None data = event.body.split(None, 2)[2] while not data.startswith('{'): key, data = data.split(None, 1) if child.get(key): child = child[key] key = None else: break data = json.loads(data) if not key: child.update(data) else: child[key] = data bot.load_settings(account_data) bot.save_settings() await bot.send_msg(event.sender, f'Private message from {bot.matrix_user}', 'Updated bot settings') def help(self): return 'Bot management commands. (quit, version, reload, status, stats, leave, modules, enable, disable)' def long_help(self, bot=None, event=None, **kwargs): text = + ( '\n- "!bot version": get bot version' '\n- "!bot status": get bot uptime and status' '\n- "!bot stats": get current users, rooms, and homeservers') if bot and event and bot.is_owner(event): text += ('\n- "!bot quit": kill the bot :(' '\n- "!bot reload": reload the bot modules' '\n- "!bot enable [module]": enable a module' '\n- "!bot disable [module]": disable a module') return text