import time import urllib.request import urllib.parse import urllib.error import aiohttp.web import requests import os import json import asyncio from aiohttp import web from future.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode from nio import MatrixRoom from modules.common.module import BotModule import nest_asyncio nest_asyncio.apply() rooms = dict() global_bot = None send_entry_lock = asyncio.Lock() async def send_entry(blob, content_type, fmt_params, rooms): async with send_entry_lock: for room_id in rooms: room = MatrixRoom(room_id=room_id, own_user_id=os.getenv("BOT_OWNERS"), encrypted=rooms[room_id]) if blob and content_type: await global_bot.upload_and_send_image(room, blob, text="", blob=True, blob_content_type=content_type) await global_bot.send_html(room, msg_template_html.format(**fmt_params), msg_template_plain.format(**fmt_params)) def get_image(img=None, width=1000, height=1500): """ Return image data as array. Array contains the image content type and image binary Parameters required: img { Plex image location } Optional parameters: width { the image width } height { the image height } Output: array """ pms_url = os.getenv("PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_URL") pms_token = os.getenv("PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_TOKEN") if not pms_url or not pms_token: return None width = width or 1000 height = height or 1500 if img: params = {'url': '' % (img), 'width': width, 'height': height, 'format': "png"} uri = pms_url + '/photo/:/transcode?%s' % urlencode(params) headers = {'X-Plex-Token': pms_token} session = requests.Session() try: r = session.request("GET", uri, headers=headers) r.raise_for_status() except Exception: return None response_status = r.status_code response_content = r.content response_headers = r.headers if response_status in (200, 201): return response_content, response_headers['Content-Type'] def get_from_entry(entry): blob = None content_type = "" if "art" in entry: pms_image = get_image(entry["art"], 600, 300) if pms_image: (blob, content_type) = pms_image fmt_params = { "title": entry["title"], "year": entry["year"], "audience_rating": entry["audience_rating"], "directors": ", ".join(entry["directors"]), "actors": ", ".join(entry["actors"]), "summary": entry["summary"], "tagline": entry["tagline"], "genres": ", ".join(entry["genres"]) } return (blob, content_type, fmt_params) msg_template_html = """ {title} -({year})- Rating: {audience_rating}
Director(s): {directors}
Actors: {actors}
Genre(s): {genres}

""" msg_template_plain = """*{title} -({year})- Rating: {audience_rating}* Director(s): {directors} Actors: {actors} {summary} {tagline} Genre(s): {genres} """ class WebServer: def __init__(self, host, port): = host self.port = port = web.Application()'/notify', self.notify) async def run(self): if not or not self.port: return loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() runner = web.AppRunner( loop.run_until_complete(runner.setup()) site = web.TCPSite(runner,, port=self.port) loop.run_until_complete(site.start()) async def notify(self, request: web.Request) -> web.Response: try: data = await request.json() if "genres" in data: data["genres"] = data["genres"].split(",") if "actors" in data: data["actors"] = data["actors"].split(",") if "directors" in data: data["directors"] = data["directors"].split(",") global rooms (blob, content_type, fmt_params) = get_from_entry(data) await send_entry(blob, content_type, fmt_params, rooms) except Exception as exc: message = str(exc) return web.HTTPBadRequest(body=message) return web.Response() class MatrixModule(BotModule): httpd = None rooms = dict() api_key = None def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) self.httpd = WebServer(os.getenv("TAUTULLI_NOTIFIER_ADDR"), os.getenv("TAUTULLI_NOTIFIER_PORT")) def matrix_start(self, bot): super().matrix_start(bot) global global_bot global_bot = bot loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete( def matrix_stop(self, bot): super().matrix_stop(bot) async def matrix_message(self, bot, room, event): args = event.body.split() if len(args) == 3 and args[1] == 'apikey': bot.must_be_owner(event) self.api_key = args[2] bot.save_settings() await bot.send_text(room, 'Api key set') elif len(args) == 2: media_type = args[1] if media_type != "movie" and media_type != "show" and media_type != "artist": await bot.send_text(room, "media type '%s' provided not valid" % media_type) return try: url = "{}/api/v2?apikey={}&cmd=get_recently_added&count=10".format(os.getenv("TAUTULLI_URL"), self.api_key) req = urllib.request.Request(url + "&media_type=" + media_type) connection = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read() entries = json.loads(connection) if "response" not in entries and "data" not in entries["response"] and "recently_added" not in entries["response"]["data"]: await bot.send_text(room, "no recently added for %s" % media_type) return for entry in entries["response"]["data"]["recently_added"]: (blob, content_type, fmt_params) = get_from_entry(entry) await send_entry(blob, content_type, fmt_params, {room.room_id: room}) except urllib.error.HTTPError as err: raise ValueError( except Exception as exc: message = str(exc) await bot.send_text(room, message) elif len(args) == 4: if args[1] == "add" or args[1] == "remove": room_id = args[2] encrypted = args[3] if args[1] == "add": self.rooms[room_id] = encrypted == "encrypted" await bot.send_text(room, f"Added {room_id} to rooms notification list") else: del self.rooms[room_id] await bot.send_text(room, f"Removed {room_id} to rooms notification list") bot.save_settings() global rooms rooms = self.rooms else: await bot.send_text(room, 'Usage: !tautulli | %room_id% %encrypted%') else: await bot.send_text(room, 'Usage: !tautulli | %room_id% %encrypted%') def get_settings(self): data = super().get_settings() data["api_key"] = self.api_key data["rooms"] = self.rooms global rooms rooms = self.rooms return data def set_settings(self, data): super().set_settings(data) if data.get("rooms"): self.rooms = data["rooms"] global rooms rooms = self.rooms if data.get("api_key"): self.api_key = data["api_key"] def help(self): return ('Tautulli recently added bot')