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# Hemppa - generic modular Matrix bot
This bot is meant to be super easy platform to code Matrix bot functionality
with Python. It uses matrix-nio library https://github.com/poljar/matrix-nio/ .
Type !help in room with this bot running to list active modules.
2019-12-09 19:54:57 +02:00
2019-12-09 20:24:51 +02:00
## Module list
### Help
Prints help on existing modules.
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### Echo
Simple example module that just echoes what user said.
### Metar
Aviation weather metar service access.
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### TAF
Aviation weather TAF service access.
### Uptime
Prints bot uptime.
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### Google Calendar
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Can access a google calendar in a room. This is a bit pain to set up, sorry.
To set up, you'll need to generate credentials.json file - see https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
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When credentials.json is present, you must authenticate the bot to access calendar. There will be a link in console like this:
``` text
Please visit this URL to authorize this application: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?response_type=code&client_id=907....
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Open the link and authenticate as needed. A new file token.pickle will be created in the directory and bot will read it in future.
Now the bot should be usable.
Use !googlecal add [calendar id] to add new calendar to a room. The bot lists availble calendar ID's on startup and you can find them
in google calendar.
* !googlecal - Show next 10 events in calendar
* !googlecal today - Show today's events
* !googlecal add [calendar id] - Add new calendar to room
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* !googlecal del [calendar id] - Delete calendar from room
* !googlecal calendars - List calendars in this room
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### Cron
Can schedule things to be done.
* !cron daily [hour] [command] - Run command on start of hour
* !cron list - List commands in this room
* !cron clear - Clear command s in this room
* !cron daily 19 "It is now 19 o clock"
* !cron daily 8 "!googlecal today"
## Bot setup
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* Create a Matrix user
* Get user's access token - In Riot Web see Settings / Help & about
## Running on host
Run something like:
``` bash
pip3 install pipenv
pipenv shell
pipenv install
MATRIX_USER="@user:matrix.org" MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN="MDAxOGxvYlotofcharacters53CgYAYFgo" MATRIX_SERVER="https://matrix.org" JOIN_ON_INVITE=True python3 bot.py
## Running with Docker
Create .env file and set variables:
``` bash
Note: without quotes!
Just run:
``` bash
docker-compose up
## Env variables
User, access token and server should be self-explanatory. Set JOIN_ON_INVITE to anything if you want the bot to
join invites automatically.
You can set MATRIX_PASSWORD if you want to get access token. Normally you can use Riot to get it.
## Module API
Just write a python file with desired command name and place it in modules. See current modules for
examples. No need to register it anywhere else.
* matrix_start - Called once on startup
* async matrix_message - Called when a message is sent to room starting with !module_name
* matrix_stop - Called once before exit
* async matrix_poll - Called every 10 seconds
* help - Return one-liner help text
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* get_settings - Must return a dict object that can be converted to JSON and sent to server
* set_settings - Load these settings. It should be the same JSON you returned in previous get_settings
You only need to implement the ones you need. See existing bots for examples
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Settings are stored in Matrix account data.