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2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
import time
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import urllib.error
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
import aiohttp.web
import requests
import os
import json
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
import asyncio
from aiohttp import web
from future.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode
from nio import MatrixRoom
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
from modules.common.module import BotModule
import nest_asyncio
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
rooms = dict()
global_bot = None
2022-08-19 04:05:30 +03:00
send_entry_lock = asyncio.Lock()
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
async def send_entry(blob, content_type, fmt_params, rooms):
2022-08-19 04:05:30 +03:00
async with send_entry_lock:
for room_id in rooms:
room = MatrixRoom(room_id=room_id, own_user_id=os.getenv("BOT_OWNERS"),
if blob and content_type:
await global_bot.upload_and_send_image(room, blob, text="", blob=True, blob_content_type=content_type)
await global_bot.send_html(room, msg_template_html.format(**fmt_params),
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
def get_image(img=None, width=1000, height=1500):
Return image data as array.
Array contains the image content type and image binary
Parameters required: img { Plex image location }
Optional parameters: width { the image width }
height { the image height }
Output: array
pms_url = os.getenv("PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_URL")
pms_token = os.getenv("PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_TOKEN")
if not pms_url or not pms_token:
return None
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
width = width or 1000
height = height or 1500
if img:
params = {'url': '' % (img), 'width': width, 'height': height, 'format': "png"}
uri = pms_url + '/photo/:/transcode?%s' % urlencode(params)
headers = {'X-Plex-Token': pms_token}
session = requests.Session()
r = session.request("GET", uri, headers=headers)
except Exception:
return None
response_status = r.status_code
response_content = r.content
response_headers = r.headers
if response_status in (200, 201):
return response_content, response_headers['Content-Type']
def get_from_entry(entry):
blob = None
content_type = ""
if "art" in entry:
pms_image = get_image(entry["art"], 600, 300)
if pms_image:
(blob, content_type) = pms_image
fmt_params = {
"title": entry["title"],
"year": entry["year"],
"audience_rating": entry["audience_rating"],
"directors": ", ".join(entry["directors"]),
"actors": ", ".join(entry["actors"]),
"summary": entry["summary"],
"tagline": entry["tagline"],
"genres": ", ".join(entry["genres"])
return (blob, content_type, fmt_params)
msg_template_html = """
<b>{title} -({year})- Rating: {audience_rating}</b><br>
Director(s): {directors}<br>
Actors: {actors}<br>
Genre(s): {genres}<br><br>"""
msg_template_plain = """*{title} -({year})- Rating: {audience_rating}*
Director(s): {directors}
Actors: {actors}
Genre(s): {genres}
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
class WebServer:
def __init__(self, host, port):
self.host = host
self.port = port
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
self.app = web.Application()
self.app.router.add_post('/notify', self.notify)
2022-08-15 07:00:26 +03:00
async def run(self):
if not self.host or not self.port:
2022-08-15 07:00:26 +03:00
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
runner = web.AppRunner(self.app)
site = web.TCPSite(runner, host=self.host, port=self.port)
async def notify(self, request: web.Request) -> web.Response:
data = await request.json()
if "genres" in data:
data["genres"] = data["genres"].split(",")
if "actors" in data:
data["actors"] = data["actors"].split(",")
if "directors" in data:
data["directors"] = data["directors"].split(",")
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
global rooms
(blob, content_type, fmt_params) = get_from_entry(data)
await send_entry(blob, content_type, fmt_params, rooms)
except Exception as exc:
message = str(exc)
return web.HTTPBadRequest(body=message)
return web.Response()
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
class MatrixModule(BotModule):
httpd = None
rooms = dict()
2021-04-23 12:01:50 +03:00
api_key = None
def __init__(self, name):
self.httpd = WebServer(os.getenv("TAUTULLI_NOTIFIER_ADDR"), os.getenv("TAUTULLI_NOTIFIER_PORT"))
def matrix_start(self, bot):
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
global global_bot
global_bot = bot
2022-08-15 07:00:26 +03:00
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
def matrix_stop(self, bot):
async def matrix_message(self, bot, room, event):
args = event.body.split()
2021-04-23 12:01:50 +03:00
if len(args) == 3 and args[1] == 'apikey':
self.api_key = args[2]
await bot.send_text(room, 'Api key set')
elif len(args) == 2:
media_type = args[1]
if media_type != "movie" and media_type != "show" and media_type != "artist":
await bot.send_text(room, "media type '%s' provided not valid" % media_type)
2021-04-23 12:01:50 +03:00
url = "{}/api/v2?apikey={}&cmd=get_recently_added&count=10".format(os.getenv("TAUTULLI_URL"), self.api_key)
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
req = urllib.request.Request(url + "&media_type=" + media_type)
connection = urllib.request.urlopen(req).read()
entries = json.loads(connection)
if "response" not in entries and "data" not in entries["response"] and "recently_added" not in entries["response"]["data"]:
await bot.send_text(room, "no recently added for %s" % media_type)
for entry in entries["response"]["data"]["recently_added"]:
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
(blob, content_type, fmt_params) = get_from_entry(entry)
await send_entry(blob, content_type, fmt_params, {room.room_id: room})
except urllib.error.HTTPError as err:
raise ValueError(err.read())
except Exception as exc:
message = str(exc)
await bot.send_text(room, message)
elif len(args) == 4:
if args[1] == "add" or args[1] == "remove":
room_id = args[2]
encrypted = args[3]
if args[1] == "add":
self.rooms[room_id] = encrypted == "encrypted"
await bot.send_text(room, f"Added {room_id} to rooms notification list")
del self.rooms[room_id]
await bot.send_text(room, f"Removed {room_id} to rooms notification list")
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
global rooms
rooms = self.rooms
await bot.send_text(room, 'Usage: !tautulli <movie|show|artist>|<add|remove> %room_id% %encrypted%')
await bot.send_text(room, 'Usage: !tautulli <movie|show|artist>|<add|remove> %room_id% %encrypted%')
def get_settings(self):
data = super().get_settings()
2021-04-23 12:01:50 +03:00
data["api_key"] = self.api_key
data["rooms"] = self.rooms
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
global rooms
rooms = self.rooms
return data
def set_settings(self, data):
if data.get("rooms"):
self.rooms = data["rooms"]
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00
global rooms
rooms = self.rooms
2021-04-23 12:01:50 +03:00
if data.get("api_key"):
self.api_key = data["api_key"]
def help(self):
return ('Tautulli recently added bot')
2022-08-07 13:24:54 +03:00