package main import ( "fmt" "html" "regexp" "strings" skypeExt "" "" "" "" "" ) var italicRegex = regexp.MustCompile("([\\s>~*]|^)_(.+?)_([^a-zA-Z\\d]|$)") var boldRegex = regexp.MustCompile("([\\s>_~]|^)\\*(.+?)\\*([^a-zA-Z\\d]|$)") var strikethroughRegex = regexp.MustCompile("([\\s>_*]|^)~(.+?)~([^a-zA-Z\\d]|$)") var codeBlockRegex = regexp.MustCompile("```(?:.|\n)+?```") //var mentionRegex = regexp.MustCompile("@[0-9]+") //var mentionRegex = regexp.MustCompile("@(.*)") var mentionRegex = regexp.MustCompile("]+\\bid=\"([^\"]+)\"(.*?)*") type Formatter struct { bridge *Bridge matrixHTMLParser *format.HTMLParser waReplString map[*regexp.Regexp]string waReplFunc map[*regexp.Regexp]func(string) string waReplFuncText map[*regexp.Regexp]func(string) string } func NewFormatter(bridge *Bridge) *Formatter { formatter := &Formatter{ bridge: bridge, matrixHTMLParser: &format.HTMLParser{ TabsToSpaces: 4, Newline: "\n", PillConverter: func(displayname, mxid, eventID string, ctx format.Context) string { if mxid[0] == '@' { puppet := bridge.GetPuppetByMXID(id.UserID(mxid)) if puppet != nil { return "@" + puppet.PhoneNumber() } } return mxid }, BoldConverter: func(text string, _ format.Context) string { return fmt.Sprintf("*%s*", text) }, ItalicConverter: func(text string, _ format.Context) string { return fmt.Sprintf("_%s_", text) }, StrikethroughConverter: func(text string, _ format.Context) string { return fmt.Sprintf("~%s~", text) }, MonospaceConverter: func(text string, _ format.Context) string { return fmt.Sprintf("```%s```", text) }, MonospaceBlockConverter: func(text, language string, _ format.Context) string { return fmt.Sprintf("```%s```", text) }, }, waReplString: map[*regexp.Regexp]string{ italicRegex: "$1$2$3", boldRegex: "$1$2$3", strikethroughRegex: "$1$2$3", }, } formatter.waReplFunc = map[*regexp.Regexp]func(string) string{ codeBlockRegex: func(str string) string { str = str[3 : len(str)-3] if strings.ContainsRune(str, '\n') { return fmt.Sprintf("
", str) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s", str) }, } formatter.waReplFuncText = map[*regexp.Regexp]func(string) string{ } return formatter } func (formatter *Formatter) getMatrixInfoByJID(jid types.SkypeID) (mxid id.UserID, displayname string) { if user := formatter.bridge.GetUserByJID(jid); user != nil { mxid = user.MXID displayname = string(user.MXID) } else if puppet := formatter.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(jid); puppet != nil { mxid = puppet.MXID displayname = puppet.Displayname } return } func (formatter *Formatter) ParseSkype(content *event.MessageEventContent, RoomMXID id.RoomID) { // parse '' tag reg:= regexp.MustCompile(`(?U)((.*))`) bodyMatch := reg.FindAllStringSubmatch(content.Body, -1) for _, match := range bodyMatch { content.Body = strings.ReplaceAll(content.Body, match[1], match[2]) } output := content.Body for regex, replacement := range formatter.waReplString { output = regex.ReplaceAllString(output, replacement) } for regex, replacer := range formatter.waReplFunc { output = regex.ReplaceAllStringFunc(output, replacer) } content.Body = html.UnescapeString(content.Body) var backStr string if output != content.Body { output = strings.Replace(output, "\n", "
", -1) content.FormattedBody = output content.Format = event.FormatHTML var mxid id.UserID // parse quote message(set reply) content.Body = strings.ReplaceAll(content.Body, "\n", "") quoteReg := regexp.MustCompile(`]+\bauthor="([^"]+)" authorname="([^"]+)" timestamp="([^"]+)" conversation="([^"]+)" messageid="([^"]+)".*>.*?(.*?).*?(.*)`) quoteMatches := quoteReg.FindAllStringSubmatch(content.Body, -1) if len(quoteMatches) > 0 { for _, match := range quoteMatches { for index, a := range match { fmt.Println("index: ", index) fmt.Println("ParseSkype quoteMatches a:", a) fmt.Println() } portal := formatter.bridge.GetPortalByMXID(RoomMXID) if portal.Key.JID != match[4] { content.FormattedBody = match[6] content.Body = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\n", match[6]) // this means that there are forwarding messages across groups if strings.HasSuffix(match[4], skypeExt.GroupSuffix) || strings.HasSuffix(portal.Key.JID, skypeExt.GroupSuffix){ continue } } msgMXID := "" msg := formatter.bridge.DB.Message.GetByID(match[5]) if msg != nil { msgMXID = string(msg.MXID) } mxid, _ = formatter.getMatrixInfoByJID("8:" + match[1] + skypeExt.NewUserSuffix) href1 := fmt.Sprintf(`https://%s/#/room/%s/%s?via=%s`, formatter.bridge.Config.Homeserver.ServerName, RoomMXID, msgMXID, formatter.bridge.Config.Homeserver.Domain) href2 := fmt.Sprintf(`https://%s/#/user/%s`, formatter.bridge.Config.Homeserver.ServerName, mxid) newContent := fmt.Sprintf(`
In reply to %s
`, href1, href2, mxid, match[6]) content.FormattedBody = newContent content.Body = fmt.Sprintf("> <%s> %s\n\n", mxid, match[6]) inRelateTo := &event.RelatesTo{ Type: event.RelReply, EventID: id.EventID(msgMXID), } content.SetRelatesTo(inRelateTo) backStr = match[7] } } } // parse mention user message r := regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)]+\bid="([^"]+)">(.*?)`) var originStr string var originBodyStr string if len(backStr) == 0 { originStr = content.Body } else { originStr = backStr } matches := r.FindAllStringSubmatch(originStr, -1) if len(matches) > 0 { for _, match := range matches { mxid, displayname := formatter.getMatrixInfoByJID(match[1] + skypeExt.NewUserSuffix) replaceStr := "" if len(displayname) < 1 { // TODO need to optimize replaceStr = match[2] + ":" } else { replaceStr = fmt.Sprintf(`%s:`, formatter.bridge.Config.Homeserver.ServerName, mxid, displayname) } // number := "@" + strings.Replace(match[1], skypeExt.NewUserSuffix, "", 1) originStr = strings.ReplaceAll(originStr, match[0], replaceStr) originBodyStr = strings.ReplaceAll(originStr, replaceStr, displayname + ":") } if len(backStr) == 0 { content.Format = event.FormatHTML content.Body = originBodyStr content.FormattedBody = originStr } else { content.Body = content.Body + originBodyStr content.FormattedBody = content.FormattedBody + originStr } } else { content.Body = content.Body + backStr content.FormattedBody = content.FormattedBody + backStr } //filter edit tag e := regexp.MustCompile(`(