package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "math" skype "" "" skypeExt "" "" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type CommandHandler struct { bridge *Bridge log maulogger.Logger } // NewCommandHandler creates a CommandHandler func NewCommandHandler(bridge *Bridge) *CommandHandler { return &CommandHandler{ bridge: bridge, log: bridge.Log.Sub("Command handler"), } } // CommandEvent stores all data which might be used to handle commands type CommandEvent struct { Bot *appservice.IntentAPI Bridge *Bridge Portal *Portal Handler *CommandHandler RoomID id.RoomID User *User Command string Args []string } // Reply sends a reply to command as notice func (ce *CommandEvent) Reply(msg string, args ...interface{}) { content := format.RenderMarkdown(fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...), true, false) content.MsgType = event.MsgNotice intent := ce.Bot if ce.Portal != nil && ce.Portal.IsPrivateChat() { intent = ce.Portal.MainIntent() } _, err := intent.SendMessageEvent(ce.RoomID, event.EventMessage, content) if err != nil { ce.Handler.log.Warnfln("Failed to reply to command from %s: %v", ce.User.MXID, err) } } // Handle handles messages to the bridge func (handler *CommandHandler) Handle(roomID id.RoomID, user *User, message string) { args := strings.Fields(message) ce := &CommandEvent{ Bot: handler.bridge.Bot, Bridge: handler.bridge, Handler: handler, RoomID: roomID, User: user, Command: strings.ToLower(args[0]), Args: args[1:], } if ce.Command == "login" { message = "" } handler.log.Debugfln("%s sent '%s' in %s", user.MXID, message, roomID) if roomID == handler.bridge.Config.Bridge.Relaybot.ManagementRoom { handler.CommandRelaybot(ce) } else { handler.CommandMux(ce) } } func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandMux(ce *CommandEvent) { switch ce.Command { case "relaybot": handler.CommandRelaybot(ce) case "login": handler.CommandLogin(ce) //case "logout-matrix": // handler.CommandLogoutMatrix(ce) case "help": handler.CommandHelp(ce) //case "version": // handler.CommandVersion(ce) case "ping": handler.CommandPing(ce) case "logout": handler.CommandLogout(ce) case "save-password": handler.CommandSavePassword(ce) case "remove-password": handler.CommandRemovePassword(ce) case "login-matrix", "sync", "list", "open", "pm", "invite", "kick", "leave", "join", "create", "share": if !ce.User.HasSession() { ce.Reply("You're not logged in. Use the `login` command to log into Skype.") return } switch ce.Command { //case "login-matrix": // handler.CommandLoginMatrix(ce) case "sync": handler.CommandSync(ce) case "list": handler.CommandList(ce) case "open": handler.CommandOpen(ce) case "pm": handler.CommandPM(ce) case "invite": handler.CommandInvite(ce) case "kick": handler.CommandKick(ce) case "leave": handler.CommandLeave(ce) case "join": handler.CommandJoin(ce) case "share": handler.CommandShare(ce) case "create": handler.CommandCreate(ce) } default: handler.CommandSpecialMux(ce) } } func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandRelaybot(ce *CommandEvent) { if handler.bridge.Relaybot == nil { ce.Reply("The relaybot is disabled") } else if !ce.User.Admin { ce.Reply("Only admins can manage the relaybot") } else { if ce.Command == "relaybot" { if len(ce.Args) == 0 { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `relaybot `") return } ce.Command = strings.ToLower(ce.Args[0]) ce.Args = ce.Args[1:] } ce.User = handler.bridge.Relaybot handler.CommandMux(ce) } } func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandDevTest(_ *CommandEvent) { } const cmdVersionHelp = `version - View the bridge version` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandVersion(ce *CommandEvent) { version := fmt.Sprintf("v%s.unknown", Version) if Tag == Version { version = fmt.Sprintf("[v%s](%s/releases/v%s) (%s)", Version, URL, Tag, BuildTime) } else if len(Commit) > 8 { version = fmt.Sprintf("v%s.[%s](%s/commit/%s) (%s)", Version, Commit[:8], URL, Commit, BuildTime) } ce.Reply(fmt.Sprintf("[%s](%s) %s", Name, URL, version)) } const cmdSetPowerLevelHelp = `set-pl [user ID] - Change the power level in a portal room. Only for bridge admins.` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandSetPowerLevel(ce *CommandEvent) { portal := ce.Bridge.GetPortalByMXID(ce.RoomID) if portal == nil { ce.Reply("Not a portal room") return } var level int var userID id.UserID var err error if len(ce.Args) == 1 { level, err = strconv.Atoi(ce.Args[0]) if err != nil { ce.Reply("Invalid power level \"%s\"", ce.Args[0]) return } userID = ce.User.MXID } else if len(ce.Args) == 2 { userID = id.UserID(ce.Args[0]) _, _, err := userID.Parse() if err != nil { ce.Reply("Invalid user ID \"%s\"", ce.Args[0]) return } level, err = strconv.Atoi(ce.Args[1]) if err != nil { ce.Reply("Invalid power level \"%s\"", ce.Args[1]) return } } else { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `set-pl [user] `") return } intent := portal.MainIntent() _, err = intent.SetPowerLevel(ce.RoomID, userID, level) if err != nil { ce.Reply("Failed to set power levels: %v", err) } } const cmdLoginHelp = `login - login <_username_> <_password_>` // CommandLogin handles login command func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandLogin(ce *CommandEvent) { if len(ce.Args) == 0 { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `login username password`") return } if ce.User.Conn != nil && ce.User.Conn.LoggedIn == true { ce.Reply("You're already logged into Skype.") return } leavePortals(ce) if !ce.User.Connect(true) { ce.User.log.Debugln("Connect() returned false, assuming error was logged elsewhere and canceling login.") return } err := ce.User.Login(ce, ce.Args[0], ce.Args[1]) if err == nil { syncAll(ce.User, true) } } const cmdLogoutHelp = `logout - Logout from Skype` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandLogout(ce *CommandEvent) { if ce.User.Conn == nil || ce.User.Conn.LoggedIn == false { ce.Reply("You're not logged into Skype.") return } //_ = ce.User.Conn.GetConversations("", ce.User.bridge.Config.Bridge.InitialChatSync) ce.User.Conn.LoggedIn = false username := "" password := "" if ce.User.Conn.LoginInfo != nil { username = ce.User.Conn.LoginInfo.Username password = ce.User.Conn.LoginInfo.Password } ce.User.Conn.LoginInfo = &skype.Session{ SkypeToken: "", SkypeExpires: "", RegistrationToken: "", RegistrationTokenStr: "", RegistrationExpires: "", LocationHost: "", EndpointId: "", Username: username, Password: password, } ce.User.Conn.Store = &skype.Store{ Contacts: make(map[string]skype.Contact), Chats: make(map[string]skype.Conversation), } puppet := handler.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(ce.User.JID) if puppet.CustomMXID != "" { err := puppet.SwitchCustomMXID("", "") if err != nil { ce.User.log.Warnln("Failed to logout-matrix while logging out of WhatsApp:", err) } } ce.Reply("Logged out successfully.") ce.User.Conn.LoginInfo = nil if ce.User.Conn.Refresh != nil { ce.User.Conn.Refresh <- -1 } else { leavePortals(ce) } ret := ce.User.bridge.DB.User.GetCredentialsByMXID(ce.User.MXID, &password, &username) if ret && password != "" { ce.Reply("WARNING, your password is stored in database. Use command `remove-password` to remove it.") } } const cmdSavePasswordHelp = `save-password - save user password into database` // CommandSavePassword handles save-password command func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandSavePassword(ce *CommandEvent) { var ret bool if len(ce.Args) > 0 { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `save-password`") return } if ce.User.Conn == nil || ce.User.Conn.LoggedIn == false { ce.Reply("You're not logged into Skype.") return } ret = ce.User.bridge.DB.User.SetCredentialsByMXID(ce.User.Conn.LoginInfo.Password, ce.User.Conn.LoginInfo.Username, ce.User.MXID) if ret == true { ce.Reply("Your password was successfully saved into database.") } else { ce.Reply("An error occurred while saving your password into database. Try it again.") } } const cmdRemovePasswordHelp = `remove-password - remove user password from database` // CommandRemovePassword handles remove-password command func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandRemovePassword(ce *CommandEvent) { var ret bool if len(ce.Args) > 0 { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `remove-password`") return } ret = ce.User.bridge.DB.User.SetCredentialsByMXID("", "", ce.User.MXID) if ret == true { ce.Reply("Your password was successfully removed from database.") } else { ce.Reply("An error occurred while removing your password from database. Try it again.") } } func leavePortals(ce *CommandEvent) { portals := ce.User.GetPortals() //newPortals := ce.User.GetPortalsNew() //allPortals := newPortals[0:] //for _, portal := range portals { // var newPortalsHas bool // for _, newPortal := range newPortals { // if portal.Key == newPortal.Key { // newPortalsHas = true // } // } // if !newPortalsHas { // allPortals = append(allPortals, portal) // } //} leave := func(portal *Portal) { if len(portal.MXID) > 0 { _, _ = portal.MainIntent().KickUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqKickUser{ Reason: "Logout", UserID: ce.User.MXID, }) } } for _, portal := range portals { leave(portal) } } const cmdPingHelp = `ping - Check your connection to Skype.` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandPing(ce *CommandEvent) { if ce.User.Session == nil || ce.User.Session.SkypeToken == "" { if ce.User.IsLoginInProgress() { ce.Reply("You're not logged into Skype, but there's a login in progress.") } else { ce.Reply("You're not logged into Skype.") } } else if ce.User.Conn.LoggedIn == false { ce.Reply("You're not logged into Skype.") } else { username := ce.User.Conn.UserProfile.FirstName if len(ce.User.Conn.UserProfile.LastName) > 0 { username = username + ce.User.Conn.UserProfile.LastName } if username == "" { username = ce.User.Conn.UserProfile.Username } orgId := "" if patch.ThirdPartyIdEncrypt { orgId = patch.Enc(strings.TrimSuffix(ce.User.JID, skypeExt.NewUserSuffix)) } else { orgId = strings.TrimSuffix(ce.User.JID, skypeExt.NewUserSuffix) } ce.Reply("You're logged in as @" + username + ", orgid is " + orgId) } var password string; var username string; ret := ce.User.bridge.DB.User.GetCredentialsByMXID(ce.User.MXID, &password, &username) if ret && password != "" { ce.Reply("WARNING, your password is stored in database. Use command `remove-password` to remove it.") } } const cmdHelpHelp = `help - Prints this help` // CommandHelp handles help command func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandHelp(ce *CommandEvent) { cmdPrefix := "" if ce.User.ManagementRoom != ce.RoomID || ce.User.IsRelaybot { cmdPrefix = handler.bridge.Config.Bridge.CommandPrefix + " " } ce.Reply("* " + strings.Join([]string{ cmdPrefix + cmdHelpHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdLoginHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdLogoutHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdSavePasswordHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdRemovePasswordHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdPingHelp, //cmdPrefix + cmdLoginMatrixHelp, //cmdPrefix + cmdLogoutMatrixHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdSyncHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdListHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdOpenHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdPMHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdCreateHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdInviteHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdKickHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdLeaveHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdJoinHelp, cmdPrefix + cmdShareHelp, }, "\n* ")) } const cmdSyncHelp = `sync - Synchronize contacts and optionally create portals for group chats.` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandSync(ce *CommandEvent) { user := ce.User create := len(ce.Args) > 0 && ce.Args[0] == "--create-all" ce.Reply("Updating contact and chat list...") handler.log.Debugln("Importing contacts of", user.MXID) ce.Reply("Syncing contacts...") err := user.Conn.Conn.ContactList(ce.User.Conn.UserProfile.Username) if err != nil { user.log.Errorln("Error get contacts:", err) ce.Reply("Failed to contacts chat list (see logs for details)") } ce.Reply("Syncing conversations...") err = ce.User.Conn.GetConversations("", user.bridge.Config.Bridge.InitialChatSync) if err != nil { user.log.Errorln("Error get conversations:", err) ce.Reply("Failed to conversations list (see logs for details)") } handler.log.Debugln("Importing chats of", user.MXID) syncAll(user, create) ce.Reply("Sync complete.") } func syncAll(user *User, create bool) { //ce.Reply("Syncing contacts...") user.syncPuppets(nil, false) //ce.Reply("Syncing chats...") user.syncPortals(nil, create) //sync information from non-contacts in the conversation, syncNonContactInfo(user) } func syncNonContactInfo(user *User) { nonContacts := map[string]skype.Contact{} for personId, contact := range user.Conn.Store.Contacts { if contact.PersonId == "" { nonContacts[personId] = contact } } user.syncPuppets(nonContacts, false) user.syncPuppets(nil, true) } const cmdDeletePortalHelp = `delete-portal - Delete the current portal. If the portal is used by other people, this is limited to bridge admins.` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandDeletePortal(ce *CommandEvent) { portal := ce.Bridge.GetPortalByMXID(ce.RoomID) if portal == nil { ce.Reply("You must be in a portal room to use that command") return } if !ce.User.Admin { users := portal.GetUserIDs() if len(users) > 1 || (len(users) == 1 && users[0] != ce.User.MXID) { ce.Reply("Only bridge admins can delete portals with other Matrix users") return } } portal.log.Infoln(ce.User.MXID, "requested deletion of portal.") portal.Delete() portal.Cleanup(false) } const cmdDeleteAllPortalsHelp = `delete-all-portals - Delete all your portals that aren't used by any other user.'` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandDeleteAllPortals(ce *CommandEvent) { portals := ce.User.GetPortals() portalsToDelete := make([]*Portal, 0, len(portals)) for _, portal := range portals { users := portal.GetUserIDs() if len(users) == 1 && users[0] == ce.User.MXID { portalsToDelete = append(portalsToDelete, portal) } } leave := func(portal *Portal) { if len(portal.MXID) > 0 { _, _ = portal.MainIntent().KickUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqKickUser{ Reason: "Deleting portal", UserID: ce.User.MXID, }) } } customPuppet := handler.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(ce.User.MXID) if customPuppet != nil && customPuppet.CustomIntent() != nil { intent := customPuppet.CustomIntent() leave = func(portal *Portal) { if len(portal.MXID) > 0 { _, _ = intent.LeaveRoom(portal.MXID) _, _ = intent.ForgetRoom(portal.MXID) } } } ce.Reply("Found %d portals with no other users, deleting...", len(portalsToDelete)) for _, portal := range portalsToDelete { portal.Delete() leave(portal) } ce.Reply("Finished deleting portal info. Now cleaning up rooms in background. " + "You may already continue using the bridge. Use `sync` to recreate portals.") go func() { for _, portal := range portalsToDelete { portal.Cleanup(false) } ce.Reply("Finished background cleanup of deleted portal rooms.") }() } const cmdListHelp = `list <_contacts|groups_> [page] [items per page] - Get a list of all contacts and groups.` func formatLists(isContacts bool, contacts map[string]skype.Contact, conversations map[string]skype.Conversation) (result []string) { if isContacts { for _, contact := range contacts { result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("* %s / %s - `%s`", contact.DisplayName, contact.DisplayNameSource, strings.Replace(contact.PersonId, skypeExt.NewUserSuffix, "", 1))) } sort.Sort(sort.StringSlice(result)) } else { for _, conversation := range conversations { if strings.HasPrefix(fmt.Sprint(conversation.Id), "19:") { result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("* %s - `%s`", conversation.ThreadProperties.Topic, conversation.Id)) } } sort.Sort(sort.StringSlice(result)) } return } func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandList(ce *CommandEvent) { if len(ce.Args) == 0 { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `list [page] [items per page]`") return } mode := strings.ToLower(ce.Args[0]) if mode[0] != 'g' && mode[0] != 'c' { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `list [page] [items per page]`") return } var err error page := 1 max := 100 isContact := mode[0] == 'c' typeName := "Groups" if isContact { typeName = "Contacts" err = ce.User.Conn.ContactList(ce.User.Conn.UserProfile.Username) if err != nil { ce.Reply("Get Contacts error") return } } else { err = ce.User.Conn.GetConversations("", handler.bridge.Config.Bridge.InitialChatSync) if err != nil { ce.Reply("Get conversations error") return } } result := formatLists(isContact, ce.User.Conn.Store.Contacts, ce.User.Conn.Store.Chats) if len(result) == 0 { ce.Reply("No %s found", strings.ToLower(typeName)) return } pages := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(result)) / float64(max))) if (page-1)*max >= len(result) { if pages == 1 { ce.Reply("There is only 1 page of %s", strings.ToLower(typeName)) } else { ce.Reply("There are only %d pages of %s", pages, strings.ToLower(typeName)) } return } lastIndex := page * max if lastIndex > len(result) { lastIndex = len(result) } result = result[(page-1)*max : lastIndex] ce.Reply("### %s (page %d of %d)\n\n%s", typeName, page, pages, strings.Join(result, "\n")) } const cmdOpenHelp = `open <_group ID_> - Open a group chat portal.` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandOpen(ce *CommandEvent) { if len(ce.Args) == 0 { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `open `") return } user := ce.User jid := ce.Args[0] if strings.HasSuffix(jid, skypeExt.NewUserSuffix) { ce.Reply("That looks like a user ID. Did you mean `pm %s`?", jid[:len(jid)-len(skypeExt.NewUserSuffix)]) return } ce.User.Conn.GetConversations("", handler.bridge.Config.Bridge.InitialChatSync) fmt.Println("user.Conn.Store.Chats: ", user.Conn.Store.Chats) chat, ok := user.Conn.Store.Chats[jid] if !ok { ce.Reply("Group ID not found in contacts. Try syncing contacts with `sync` first.") return } handler.log.Debugln("Importing", jid, "for", user) portal := user.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.GroupPortalKey(jid)) fmt.Println("CommandOpen portal.MXID", portal.MXID) if len(portal.MXID) > 0 { portal.SyncSkype(user, chat) ce.Reply("Portal room synced.") } else { portal.SyncSkype(user, chat) ce.Reply("Portal room created.") } _, _ = portal.MainIntent().InviteUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqInviteUser{UserID: user.MXID}) //resp, err := ce.User.Conn.GetConsumptionHorizons(jid) //if err != nil { // return //} //// var existIds []string //for _, con := range resp.ConsumptionHorizons { // // existIds = append(existIds, strings.Replace(userId, skypeExt.NewUserSuffix, "", 1)) // has := false // uId := "" // for userId, _ := range ce.User.Conn.Store.Contacts { // if con.Id == strings.Replace(userId, skypeExt.NewUserSuffix, "", 1) { // has = true // } // uId = con.Id // } // if user.JID == con.Id + skypeExt.NewUserSuffix { // continue // } // if !has && uId != "" { // fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("", uId)) // fmt.Println() // newId := strings.Replace(con.Id, "8:", "", 1) // avatar := &skypeExt.ProfilePicInfo{ // URL: fmt.Sprintf("", newId), // Tag: fmt.Sprintf("", newId), // Status: 0, // } // puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(con.Id + skypeExt.NewUserSuffix) // if puppet.Avatar != avatar.URL { // puppet.UpdateAvatar(nil, avatar) // _, err = ce.User.Conn.NameSearch(newId) // if err != nil { // ce.Reply("Failed to synchronize non-contact %s info", newId) // } // } // } //} syncNonContactInfo(ce.User) } //func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandOpen(ce *CommandEvent) { // if len(ce.Args) == 0 { // ce.Reply("**Usage:** `open `") // return // } // // user := ce.User // jid := ce.Args[0] // // if strings.HasSuffix(jid, whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix) { // ce.Reply("That looks like a user JID. Did you mean `pm %s`?", jid[:len(jid)-len(whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix)]) // return // } // // contact, ok := user.Conn.Store.Contacts[jid] // if !ok { // ce.Reply("Group JID not found in contacts. Try syncing contacts with `sync` first.") // return // } // handler.log.Debugln("Importing", jid, "for", user) // portal := user.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.GroupPortalKey(jid)) // if len(portal.MXID) > 0 { // portal.Sync(user, contact) // ce.Reply("Portal room synced.") // } else { // portal.Sync(user, contact) // ce.Reply("Portal room created.") // } // _, _ = portal.MainIntent().InviteUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqInviteUser{UserID: user.MXID}) //} const cmdPMHelp = `pm <_user ID_> - Open a private chat with the given user id.` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandPM(ce *CommandEvent) { if len(ce.Args) == 0 { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `pm `") return } jid := ce.Args[0] + skypeExt.NewUserSuffix handler.log.Debugln("Importing", jid, "for", ce.User) contact, ok := ce.User.Conn.Store.Contacts[jid] if !ok { //if !force { ce.Reply("User id not found in contacts. Try syncing contacts with `sync` first. ") return //} //contact = skype.Contact{PersonId: jid} } puppet := ce.User.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(contact.PersonId) puppet.Sync(ce.User, contact) portal := ce.User.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.NewPortalKey(ce.Args[0], ce.User.JID)) fmt.Println("CommandPM user.JID", ce.User.JID) if len(portal.MXID) > 0 { _, err := portal.MainIntent().InviteUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqInviteUser{UserID: ce.User.MXID}) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { ce.Reply("Existing portal room found, invited you to it.") } return } err := portal.CreateMatrixRoom(ce.User) if err != nil { ce.Reply("Failed to create portal room: %v", err) return } ce.Reply("Created portal room and invited you to it.") } //func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandPM(ce *CommandEvent) { // if len(ce.Args) == 0 { // ce.Reply("**Usage:** `pm [--force] `") // return // } // // force := ce.Args[0] == "--force" // if force { // ce.Args = ce.Args[1:] // } // // user := ce.User // // number := strings.Join(ce.Args, "") // if number[0] == '+' { // number = number[1:] // } // for _, char := range number { // if char < '0' || char > '9' { // ce.Reply("Invalid phone number.") // return // } // } // jid := number + whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix // // handler.log.Debugln("Importing", jid, "for", user) // // contact, ok := user.Conn.Store.Contacts[jid] // if !ok { // if !force { // ce.Reply("Phone number not found in contacts. Try syncing contacts with `sync` first. " + // "To create a portal anyway, use `pm --force `.") // return // } // contact = whatsapp.Contact{Jid: jid} // } // puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(contact.Jid) // puppet.Sync(user, contact) // portal := user.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.NewPortalKey(contact.Jid, user.JID)) // if len(portal.MXID) > 0 { // _, err := portal.MainIntent().InviteUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqInviteUser{UserID: user.MXID}) // if err != nil { // fmt.Println(err) // } else { // ce.Reply("Existing portal room found, invited you to it.") // } // return // } // err := portal.CreateMatrixRoom(user) // if err != nil { // ce.Reply("Failed to create portal room: %v", err) // return // } // ce.Reply("Created portal room and invited you to it.") //} const cmdLoginMatrixHelp = `login-matrix <_access token_> - Replace your WhatsApp account's Matrix puppet with your real Matrix account.'` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandLoginMatrix(ce *CommandEvent) { if len(ce.Args) == 0 { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `login-matrix `") return } puppet := handler.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(ce.User.JID) err := puppet.SwitchCustomMXID(ce.Args[0], ce.User.MXID) if err != nil { ce.Reply("Failed to switch puppet: %v", err) return } ce.Reply("Successfully switched puppet") } const cmdLogoutMatrixHelp = `logout-matrix - Switch your WhatsApp account's Matrix puppet back to the default one.` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandLogoutMatrix(ce *CommandEvent) { puppet := handler.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(ce.User.JID) if len(puppet.CustomMXID) == 0 { ce.Reply("You had not changed your WhatsApp account's Matrix puppet.") return } err := puppet.SwitchCustomMXID("", "") if err != nil { ce.Reply("Failed to remove custom puppet: %v", err) return } ce.Reply("Successfully removed custom puppet") } const cmdInviteHelp = `invite <_group ID_> <_contact id_>,... - Invite members to a group.` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandInvite(ce *CommandEvent) { if len(ce.Args) < 2 { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `invite ,...`") return } user := ce.User conversationId := ce.Args[0] userNumbers := strings.Split(ce.Args[1], ",") if strings.HasSuffix(conversationId, skypeExt.NewUserSuffix) { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `invite ,...`") return } _, ok := user.Conn.Store.Chats[conversationId] if !ok { //user.Conn err := ce.User.Conn.GetConversations("", handler.bridge.Config.Bridge.InitialChatSync) //time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) if err != nil { ce.Reply("get conversations failed. Try syncing contacts with `sync` first.") } else { _, ok = user.Conn.Store.Chats[conversationId] if !ok { ce.Reply("Group JID not found in chats. Try syncing groups with `sync` first.") return } } } handler.log.Debugln("GetConversations", conversationId, "for", user) handler.log.Debugln("Inviting", userNumbers, "to", conversationId) err := user.Conn.HandleGroupInvite(conversationId, userNumbers) if err != nil { ce.Reply("Please confirm that you have permission to invite members.") } else { ce.Reply("Group invitation sent.\nIf the member fails to join the group, please check your permissions or command parameters") } } const cmdKickHelp = `kick <_group ID_> <_contact Id>,... - Remove members from the group.` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandKick(ce *CommandEvent) { if len(ce.Args) < 2 { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `kick ,... reason`") return } user := ce.User converationId := ce.Args[0] userNumbers := strings.Split(ce.Args[1], ",") //reason := "omitempty" //if len(ce.Args) > 2 { // reason = ce.Args[0] //} if strings.HasSuffix(converationId, skypeExt.NewUserSuffix) { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `kick ,... reason`") return } //fmt.Println("user:", user) //fmt.Println("chats", user.Conn.Store.Chats) _, ok := user.Conn.Store.Chats[converationId] //fmt.Println("查找用户组是否存在:") //fmt.Println(group) if !ok { ce.Reply("Group ID not found in contacts. Try syncing contacts with `sync` first.") return } handler.log.Debugln("Importing", converationId, "for", user) portal := user.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.GroupPortalKey(converationId)) for i, number := range userNumbers { userNumbers[i] = number // + skypeExt.NewUserSuffix member := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(number + skypeExt.NewUserSuffix) if member == nil { portal.log.Errorln("%s is not a puppet", number) return } } handler.log.Debugln("Kicking", userNumbers, "to", converationId) err := user.Conn.HandleGroupKick(converationId, userNumbers) if err != nil { handler.log.Errorln("Kicking err", err) ce.Reply("Please confirm that you have permission to kick members.") } else { ce.Reply("Remove operation completed.\nIf the member has not been removed, please check your permissions or command parameters") } } const cmdLeaveHelp = `leave <_group ID_> - Leave a group.` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandLeave(ce *CommandEvent) { if len(ce.Args) == 0 { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `leave `") return } user := ce.User groupId := ce.Args[0] if strings.HasSuffix(groupId, skypeExt.NewUserSuffix) { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `leave `") return } // handler.log.Debugln("Importing", groupId, "for", user) portal := user.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.GroupPortalKey(groupId)) if len(portal.MXID) > 0 { cli := handler.bridge.Bot fmt.Println("cli appurl:", cli.Prefix, cli.AppServiceUserID, cli.HomeserverURL.String()) //res, errLeave := cli.LeaveRoom(portal.MXID) //cli.AppServiceUserID = ce.User.MXID u := cli.BuildURL("rooms", portal.MXID, "leave") fmt.Println(u) resp := mautrix.RespLeaveRoom{} res, err := cli.MakeRequest("POST", u, struct{}{}, &resp) fmt.Println("leave res : ", res) fmt.Println("leave res err: ", err) //if errLeave != nil { // portal.log.Errorln("Error leaving matrix room:", errLeave) //} } err := user.Conn.HandleGroupLeave(groupId) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) ce.Reply("Leave operation failed.") return } ce.Reply("Leave operation completed and successful.") } const cmdShareHelp = `share <_group ID_> - Generate a link to join the group.` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandShare(ce *CommandEvent) { if len(ce.Args) == 0 { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `share `") return } user := ce.User converationId := ce.Args[0] fmt.Println("share converationId : ", converationId) //check the group is exists _, ok := user.Conn.Store.Chats[converationId] if !ok { ce.Reply("Group ID not found in groups. Try syncing groups with `sync` first.") return } //set enabled enstr := map[string]string{ "joiningenabled": "true", } _, err := user.Conn.SetConversationThreads(converationId, enstr) if err != nil { ce.Reply("Set ConversationThreads failed.") return } //create share link err, link := user.Conn.HandleGroupShare(converationId) if err != nil { ce.Reply("Generate the share link failed.") } ce.Reply("The link : " + link) } const cmdJoinHelp = `join <_invitation link_> - Join the group via the invitation link.` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandJoin(ce *CommandEvent) { if len(ce.Args) == 0 { ce.Reply("**Usage:** `join `") return } user := ce.User joinurl := ce.Args[0] err, _ := user.Conn.HandleGroupJoin(joinurl) if err != nil { ce.Reply("Join group completed and failed.") } ce.Reply("Join group completed and successful.") //contact, ok := user.Conn.Store.Contacts[jid] //if !ok { // ce.Reply("Group JID not found in contacts. Try syncing contacts with `sync` first.") // return //} //handler.log.Debugln("Importing", jid, "for", user) //portal := user.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.GroupPortalKey(jid)) //if len(portal.MXID) > 0 { // portal.Sync(user, contact) // ce.Reply("Portal room synced.") //} else { // portal.Sync(user, contact) // ce.Reply("Portal room created.") //} } // //func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandJoin(ce *CommandEvent) { // if len(ce.Args) == 0 { // ce.Reply("**Usage:** `join `") // return // } // // user := ce.User // params := strings.Split(ce.Args[0], "com/") // // jid, err := user.Conn.HandleGroupJoin(params[len(params)-1]) // if err == nil { // ce.Reply("Join operation completed.") // } // // contact, ok := user.Conn.Store.Contacts[jid] // if !ok { // ce.Reply("Group JID not found in contacts. Try syncing contacts with `sync` first.") // return // } // handler.log.Debugln("Importing", jid, "for", user) // portal := user.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.GroupPortalKey(jid)) // if len(portal.MXID) > 0 { // portal.Sync(user, contact) // ce.Reply("Portal room synced.") // } else { // portal.Sync(user, contact) // ce.Reply("Portal room created.") // } //} const cmdCreateHelp = `create - Create a group chat.` func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandCreate(ce *CommandEvent) { if ce.Portal != nil { ce.Reply("This is already a portal room") return } members, err := ce.Bot.JoinedMembers(ce.RoomID) handler.log.Debugln("Create Group-1", members) if err != nil { ce.Reply("Failed to get room members: %v", err) return } var roomNameEvent event.RoomNameEventContent err = ce.Bot.StateEvent(ce.RoomID, event.StateRoomName, "", &roomNameEvent) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, mautrix.MNotFound) { ce.Reply("Failed to get room name") return } else if len(roomNameEvent.Name) == 0 { ce.Reply("Please set a name for the room first") return } var encryptionEvent event.EncryptionEventContent err = ce.Bot.StateEvent(ce.RoomID, event.StateEncryption, "", &encryptionEvent) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, mautrix.MNotFound) { ce.Reply("Failed to get room encryption status") return } var participants []string for userID := range members.Joined { jid, ok := handler.bridge.ParsePuppetMXID(userID) if ok && jid != ce.User.JID { participants = append(participants, jid) } } selfMembers := skype.Members{} member2 := skype.Member{ Id: strings.Replace(ce.User.JID, skypeExt.NewUserSuffix, "", 1), Role: "Admin", } selfMembers.Members = append(selfMembers.Members, member2) selfMembers.Properties = skype.Properties{ HistoryDisclosed: "true", Topic: roomNameEvent.Name, } ce.User.currentCreateRoomName = roomNameEvent.Name handler.log.Debugln("Create Group", roomNameEvent.Name, "with", selfMembers, participants) err = ce.User.Conn.HandleGroupCreate(selfMembers) if err != nil { ce.Reply("Failed to create group: %v", err) return } participantMembers := skype.Members{} for _, participant := range participants { memberId := strings.Replace(participant, skypeExt.NewUserSuffix, "", 1) participantMembers.Members = append(participantMembers.Members, skype.Member{ Id: memberId, Role: "Admin", }) } conversationId, ok := <-ce.User.Conn.CreateChan handler.log.Debugln("Create Group: conversationId=", conversationId) if ok { portal := handler.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.GroupPortalKey(conversationId)) portal.roomCreateLock.Lock() defer portal.roomCreateLock.Unlock() if len(portal.MXID) != 0 { portal.log.Warnln("Detected race condition in room creation") // TODO race condition, clean up the old room } portal.MXID = ce.RoomID portal.Name = roomNameEvent.Name portal.Encrypted = encryptionEvent.Algorithm == id.AlgorithmMegolmV1 if !portal.Encrypted && handler.bridge.Config.Bridge.Encryption.Default { _, err = portal.MainIntent().SendStateEvent(portal.MXID, event.StateEncryption, "", &event.EncryptionEventContent{Algorithm: id.AlgorithmMegolmV1}) if err != nil { portal.log.Warnln("Failed to enable e2be:", err) } portal.Encrypted = true } handler.log.Debugln("Create Group: before update protal") portal.Update() portal.UpdateBridgeInfo() ce.User.currentCreateRoomName = "" handler.log.Debugln("Create Group: after update protal") err = ce.User.Conn.AddMember(participantMembers, conversationId) ce.Reply("Successfully created Skype group %s", portal.Key.JID) } //ce.User.addPortalToCommunity(portal) }