{{ define "index" }} {{ $lang := .Meta.Language }} {{ template "meta" . }} {{ if .Meta.GithubCorner }} {{ template "githubCorner" }} {{ end }}

{{ .Profile.Name }}

{{ .Profile.Title }}

Profile photo

{{ .Profile.City }}

{{ .Profile.Phone }}

{{ .Profile.Email }}

{{ with .Profile.Socials }} {{ range .Profile.Socials }} <% include /socialIcons %> {{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ translate "summary" $lang }}
{{ .Profile.Summary }}
{{ with .Profile.Experience }}
{{ translate "experience" $lang }}
{{ range . }}
{{ .Company }} - {{ .Title }}
{{ .Location }}
{{ .Period }}
{{ with .Description }}
    {{ range . }}
  • {{ . | html }}
  • {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ with .Profile.Education }}
{{ translate "education" $lang }}
{{ range . }}
{{ .Degree }}, {{ .Name }}
{{ .Faculty }}
{{ .Period }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if or .Profile.Projects (or .Profile.Skills .Profile.Languages) }}
{{ with .Profile.Projects }}
{{ translate "projects" $lang }}
<% content.data.projects.forEach(function(proj){ %>
<%= proj.title %><%= proj.company %>
<%= proj.period %>
<% }); %>
{{ end }} {{ with .Profile.Skills }}
{{ translate "skills" $lang }}
{{ range . }}
{{ .Name }} {{ .VisualLevel .Level }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ with .Profile.Languages }}
{{ translate "languages" $lang }}
{{ range . }}
{{ .Name }} {{ .VisualLevel .Level }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ with .Profile.Certificates }}
{{ translate "certificates" $lang }}
{{ range . }}
{{ .Name }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}