#!/bin/bash THEMEDIRECTORY=$(cd `dirname $0` && cd .. && pwd) FIREFOXFOLDER=~/.mozilla/firefox PROFILENAME="" THEME=DEFAULT # Determine firefox profile being currently used programatically # credits: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57526217/ function current_profile() { pgrep firefox | xargs -I{} lsof -p {} 2>/dev/null | grep .parentlock | awk '{for(i=9;i<=NF;++i)printf $i""FS ; print ""}' | cut -d'/' -f6 } # Get options. while getopts 'f:p:g:t:h' flag; do case "${flag}" in f) FIREFOXFOLDER="${OPTARG}" ;; p) PROFILENAME="${OPTARG}" ;; t) THEME="${OPTARG}" ;; h) echo "Gnome Theme Install Script:" echo " -f . Set custom Firefox folder path." echo " -p . Set custom profile name." echo " -t . Set the colors used in the theme." echo " -h to show this message." exit 0 ;; esac done # Define profile folder path. if test -z "$PROFILENAME" then PROFILEFOLDER="$FIREFOXFOLDER/$(current_profile)" else PROFILEFOLDER="$FIREFOXFOLDER/$PROFILENAME" fi # Enter Firefox profile folder. if ! cd $PROFILEFOLDER ; then echo "Error entering profile folder." echo "Try using -p flag to specify a custom profile name." exit 1 fi echo "Installing theme in $PWD" # Create a chrome directory if it doesn't exist. mkdir -p chrome cd chrome # Copy theme repo inside echo "Copying repo in $PWD" cp -fR $THEMEDIRECTORY $PWD # Create single-line user CSS files if non-existent or empty. if [ -s userChrome.css ]; then # Remove older theme imports sed 's/@import "firefox-gnome-theme.*.//g' userChrome.css | sed '/^\s*$/d' > userChrome.css echo >> userChrome.css else echo >> userChrome.css fi # Import this theme at the beginning of the CSS files. sed -i '1s/^/@import "firefox-gnome-theme\/userChrome.css";\n/' userChrome.css if [ $THEME = "DEFAULT" ]; then echo "No theme set, using default adwaita." else echo "Setting $THEME theme." echo "@import \"firefox-gnome-theme\/theme/colors/light-$THEME.css\";" >> userChrome.css echo "@import \"firefox-gnome-theme\/theme/colors/dark-$THEME.css\";" >> userChrome.css fi cd .. # Symlink user.js to firefox-gnome-theme one. echo "Set configuration user.js file" ln -fs chrome/firefox-gnome-theme/configuration/user.js user.js echo "Done."