package main import ( "crypto/sha256" "embed" "flag" "io/fs" "log" "net/http" "os" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Remember to dereference the symbolic links under ./static/html // prior to building the binary e.g. by using tar //go:embed static/html/* var static embed.FS var ( version = "0.2.0" device pingvin.Pingvin config Conf usernamehash [32]byte passwordhash [32]byte ) type Conf struct { SerialAddress string `yaml:"serial_address"` Port int `yaml:"port"` SslCertificate string `yaml:"ssl_certificate"` SslPrivatekey string `yaml:"ssl_privatekey"` DisableAuth bool `yaml:"disable_auth"` Username string `yaml:"username"` Password string `yaml:"password"` Interval int `yaml:"interval"` EnableMetrics bool `yaml:"enable_metrics"` LogFile string `yaml:"log_file"` LogAccess bool `yaml:"log_access"` Debug bool `yaml:"debug"` ReadOnly bool `yaml:"read_only"` } // Start the HTTP server func serve(cert, key *string) { log.Println("Starting service") http.HandleFunc("/api/v1/coils/", authHandlerFunc(coils)) http.HandleFunc("/api/v1/status", authHandlerFunc(status)) http.HandleFunc("/api/v1/registers/", authHandlerFunc(registers)) http.HandleFunc("/api/v1/temperature/", authHandlerFunc(temperature)) if config.EnableMetrics { http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler()) } html, err := fs.Sub(static, "static/html") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } htmlroot := http.FileServer(http.FS(html)) http.HandleFunc("/", authHandler(htmlroot)) http.HandleFunc("/coils/", authHandler(http.StripPrefix("/coils/", htmlroot))) http.HandleFunc("/registers/", authHandler(http.StripPrefix("/registers/", htmlroot))) logdst, err := os.OpenFile(os.DevNull, os.O_WRONLY, os.ModeAppend) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if config.LogAccess { logdst = os.Stdout } handler := handlers.LoggingHandler(logdst, http.DefaultServeMux) err = http.ListenAndServeTLS(":8888", *cert, *key, handler) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } // Generate self-signed SSL keypair func generateCertificate(cert, key string) { opts := https.GenerateOptions{Host: "enervent-ctrl.local", RSABits: 4096, ValidFor: 10 * 365 * 24 * time.Hour} log.Println("Generating new self-signed SSL keypair") log.Println("This may take a while...") pub, priv, err := https.GenerateKeys(opts) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error generating SSL certificate: ", err) } device.Debug.Println("Certificate:\n", string(pub)) device.Debug.Println("Key:\n", string(priv)) if err := os.WriteFile(key, priv, 0600); err != nil { log.Fatal("Error writing private key ", key, ": ", err) } log.Println("Wrote new SSL private key ", cert) if err := os.WriteFile(cert, pub, 0644); err != nil { log.Fatal("Error writing certificate ", cert, ": ", err) } log.Println("Wrote new SSL public key ", cert) } // Read & parse the configuration file func parseConfigFile() { homedir, err := os.UserHomeDir() if err != nil { log.Fatal("Could not determine user home directory") } confpath := homedir + "/.config/enervent-ctrl" if _, err := os.Stat(confpath); err != nil { log.Println("Generating configuration directory", confpath) if err := os.MkdirAll(confpath, 0700); err != nil { log.Fatal("Failed to generate configuration directory:", err) } } conffile := confpath + "/configuration.yaml" yamldata, err := os.ReadFile(conffile) if err != nil { log.Println("Configuration file", conffile, "not found") log.Println("Generating", conffile, "with default values") initDefaultConfig(confpath) if yamldata, err = os.ReadFile(conffile); err != nil { log.Fatal("Error parsing configuration:", err) } } err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamldata, &config) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Failed to parse YAML:", err) } } // Write the default configuration to $HOME/.config/enervent-ctrl/configuration.yaml func initDefaultConfig(confpath string) { config = Conf{ SerialAddress: "/dev/ttyS0", Port: 8888, SslCertificate: confpath + "/certificate.pem", SslPrivatekey: confpath + "/privatekey.pem", DisableAuth: false, Username: "pingvin", Password: "enervent", Interval: 4, EnableMetrics: false, LogAccess: false, LogFile: "", Debug: false, ReadOnly: false, } conffile := confpath + "/configuration.yaml" confbytes, err := yaml.Marshal(&config) if err != nil { log.Println("Error writing default configuration:", err) } if err := os.WriteFile(conffile, confbytes, 0600); err != nil { log.Fatal("Failed to write default configuration:", err) } } // Read configuration. CLI flags take precedence over configuration file func configure() { log.Println("Reading configuration") parseConfigFile() debugflag := flag.Bool("debug", config.Debug, "Enable debug logging") intervalflag := flag.Int("interval", config.Interval, "Set the interval of background updates") logaccflag := flag.Bool("httplog", config.LogAccess, "Enable HTTP access logging") generatecert := flag.Bool("regenerate-certs", false, "Generate a new SSL certificate. A new one is generated on startup as `~/.config/enervent-ctrl/server.crt` if it doesn't exist.") certflag := flag.String("cert", config.SslCertificate, "Path to SSL public key to use for HTTPS") keyflag := flag.String("key", config.SslPrivatekey, "Path to SSL private key to use for HTTPS") noauthflag := flag.Bool("disable-auth", config.DisableAuth, "Disable HTTP basic authentication") usernflag := flag.String("username", config.Username, "Username for HTTP Basic Authentication") passwflag := flag.String("password", config.Password, "Password for HTTP Basic Authentication") promflag := flag.Bool("enable-metrics", config.EnableMetrics, "Enable the built-in Prometheus exporter") logflag := flag.String("logfile", config.LogFile, "Path to log file. Default is empty string, log to stdout") serialflag := flag.String("serial", config.SerialAddress, "Path to serial console for RS-485 connection. Defaults to /dev/ttyS0") readOnly := flag.Bool("read-only", config.ReadOnly, "Read only mode, no writes to device are allowed") // TODO: log file flag flag.Parse() config.Debug = *debugflag config.Interval = *intervalflag config.LogAccess = *logaccflag config.SslCertificate = *certflag config.SslPrivatekey = *keyflag config.DisableAuth = *noauthflag config.Username = *usernflag config.Password = *passwflag config.EnableMetrics = *promflag config.LogFile = *logflag config.SerialAddress = *serialflag config.ReadOnly = *readOnly usernamehash = sha256.Sum256([]byte(config.Username)) passwordhash = sha256.Sum256([]byte(config.Password)) if len(config.LogFile) != 0 { logfile, err := os.OpenFile(config.LogFile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0640) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Failed to open log file", config.LogFile) } log.SetOutput(logfile) log.Println("Opened logfile") } // Check that certificate file exists, generate if needed if _, err := os.Stat(config.SslCertificate); err != nil || *generatecert { generateCertificate(config.SslCertificate, config.SslPrivatekey) } // Enable debug if configured if config.Debug { log.Println("Debug logging enabled") } // Enable HTTP access logging if configured if config.LogAccess { log.Println("HTTP Access logging enabled") } log.Println("Update interval set to", config.Interval, "seconds") if config.EnableMetrics { log.Println("Prometheus exporter enabled (/metrics)") prometheus.MustRegister(&device) } } func main() { log.Println("enervent-ctrl version", version) configure() device = *pingvin.New(config.SerialAddress, config.Debug) device.Update() go device.Monitor(config.Interval) serve(&config.SslCertificate, &config.SslPrivatekey) device.Quit() }