gh-14 Tests for newRegister

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Jarno Rankinen 2023-02-12 22:55:58 +02:00
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@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ func TestNewCoil(t *testing.T) {
typ := fmt.Sprintf("%T", coil)
// Assert newCoil returns pingvinKL.pingvinCoil
if typ != "pingvinKL.pingvinCoil" {
t.Errorf("newCoil returned %s, expecting pingvinCoil", typ)
t.Errorf("newCoil returned %s, expecting pingvinKL.pingvinCoil", typ)
// Assert Address is int and matches CSV
addrtype := fmt.Sprintf("%T", coil.Address)
if addrtype != "int" {
@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ func TestNewCoil(t *testing.T) {
if coil.Address != iaddr {
t.Errorf("coil.Address is %d, expecting %d", coil.Address, iaddr)
// Assert Symbol is string and matches CSV
symboltype := fmt.Sprintf("%T", coil.Symbol)
if symboltype != "string" {
@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ func TestNewCoil(t *testing.T) {
if coil.Symbol != symbol {
t.Errorf("coil.Symbol is %s, expecting %s", coil.Symbol, symbol)
// Assert Description is string and matches CSV
descriptiontype := fmt.Sprintf("%T", coil.Description)
if descriptiontype != "string" {
@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ func TestNewCoil(t *testing.T) {
if coil.Description != description {
t.Errorf("coil.Description is %s, expecting %s", coil.Description, description)
// Assert Value is boolean and false
valuetype := fmt.Sprintf("%T", coil.Value)
if valuetype != "bool" {
@ -51,10 +55,11 @@ func TestNewCoil(t *testing.T) {
if coil.Value != false {
t.Errorf("coil.Value is %t, expecting false", coil.Value)
// Assert Reserved is bool and true
// Assert Reserved is bool and false
reservedtype := fmt.Sprintf("%T", coil.Reserved)
if reservedtype != "bool" {
t.Errorf("coil.Reserved is of type %s, expecting bool", typ)
t.Errorf("coil.Reserved is of type %s, expecting bool", reservedtype)
if coil.Reserved != false {
t.Errorf("coil.Reserved is %t, expecting false", coil.Reserved)
@ -77,3 +82,74 @@ func TestNewReservedCoil(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("coil.Reserved is %t, expecting true", coil.Reserved)
func TestNewRegister(t *testing.T) {
data := readCsvLines("../registers.csv")
addr := data[4][0]
symbol := data[4][1]
regtype := data[4][2]
description := data[4][6]
hreg := newRegister(addr, symbol, regtype, description)
// Assert newRegister returns pingvinKL.pingvinRegister
typ := fmt.Sprintf("%T", hreg)
if typ != "pingvinKL.pingvinRegister" {
t.Errorf("newRegister returned %s, expecting pingvinKL.pingvinRegister", typ)
// Assert Address is int and matches CSV
addrtype := fmt.Sprintf("%T", hreg.Address)
if addrtype != "int" {
t.Errorf("hreg.Address is of type %s, expecting int", addrtype)
iaddr, _ := strconv.Atoi(addr)
if hreg.Address != iaddr {
t.Errorf("hreg.Address is %d, expecting %d", hreg.Address, iaddr)
// Assert Symbol is string and matches CSV
symboltype := fmt.Sprintf("%T", hreg.Symbol)
if symboltype != "string" {
t.Errorf("hreg.Symbol is of type %s, expecting string", symboltype)
if hreg.Symbol != symbol {
t.Errorf("hreg.Symbol is %s, expecting %s", hreg.Symbol, symbol)
// Assert Description is string and matches CSV
descriptiontype := fmt.Sprintf("%T", hreg.Description)
if descriptiontype != "string" {
t.Errorf("hreg.Description is of type %s, expecting string", descriptiontype)
if hreg.Description != description {
t.Errorf("hreg.Description is %s, expecting %s", hreg.Description, description)
// Assert Value is int and 0
valuetype := fmt.Sprintf("%T", hreg.Value)
if valuetype != "int" {
t.Errorf("hreg.Value is of type %s, expecting int", valuetype)
if hreg.Value != 0 {
t.Errorf("hreg.Value is %d, expecting false", hreg.Value)
// Assert Reserved is bool and false
reservedtype := fmt.Sprintf("%T", hreg.Reserved)
if reservedtype != "bool" {
t.Errorf("hreg.Reserved is of type %s, expecting bool", reservedtype)
if hreg.Reserved != false {
t.Errorf("hreg.Reserved is %t, expecting false", hreg.Reserved)
// Assert Type is string and matches CSV
hregtype := fmt.Sprintf("%T", hreg.Type)
if hregtype != "string" {
t.Errorf("hreg.Type is of type %s, expecting string", hregtype)
if hreg.Type != regtype {
t.Errorf("hreg.Type is %s, expecting %s", hreg.Type, regtype)