#!/usr/bin/env bash # Exit on any error set -e if [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]]; then echo "Usage: $0 GitHub_Token" >&2 echo "Read more about this script in the doc ./docs/installing_from_ci.md" exit 1 fi gitHubToken=$1 # Path where the app is cloned (it's where this project has been cloned) appPath=$(dirname $(dirname $(dirname $0))) # Path where the APK will be downloaded from CI (it's a dir) baseImportPath="${appPath}/tmp/DebugApks" # Select device serialNumber=$(${appPath}/tools/install/androidSelectDevice.sh) # Detect device architecture arch=$(adb -s ${serialNumber} shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi) echo echo "Will install the application on device ${serialNumber} with arch ${arch}" # Artifact URL echo read -p "Artifact url (ex: https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/suites/9293388174/artifacts/435942121)? " artifactUrl ## Example of default value for Gplay #artifactUrl=${artifactUrl:-https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/suites/9293388174/artifacts/435942121} ## Example of default value for FDroid # artifactUrl=${artifactUrl:-https://github.com/vector-im/element-android/suites/9293388174/artifacts/435942119} artifactId=$(echo ${artifactUrl} | rev | cut -d'/' -f1 | rev) # Download files targetPath=${baseImportPath}/${artifactId} filename="artifact.zip" fullFilePath="${targetPath}/${filename}" # Check if file already exists if test -f "$fullFilePath"; then read -p "$fullFilePath already exists. Override (yes/no) default to no ? " download download=${download:-no} else download="yes" fi # Ignore error from now set +e if [ ${download} == "yes" ]; then echo "Downloading ${filename} to ${targetPath}..." python3 ${appPath}/tools/release/download_github_artifacts.py \ --token ${gitHubToken} \ --artifactUrl ${artifactUrl} \ --directory ${targetPath} \ --filename ${filename} \ --ignoreErrors fi echo "Unzipping ${filename}..." unzip $fullFilePath -d ${targetPath} ## gplay or fdroid if test -d "${targetPath}/gplay"; then variant="gplay" elif test -d "${targetPath}/fdroid"; then variant="fdroid" else echo "No variant found" exit 1 fi fullApkPath="${targetPath}/${variant}/debug/vector-${variant}-${arch}-debug.apk" echo "Installing ${fullApkPath} to device ${serialNumber}..." adb -s ${serialNumber} install -r ${fullApkPath} # Check error and propose to uninstall and retry installing if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then read -p "Error, do you want to uninstall the application then retry (yes/no) default to no ? " retry retry=${retry:-no} if [ ${retry} == "yes" ]; then echo "Uninstalling..." adb -s ${serialNumber} uninstall im.vector.app.debug echo "Installing again..." adb -s ${serialNumber} install -r ${fullApkPath} fi fi