Try to show full image as the fallback of the thumbnail.

This commit is contained in:
onurays 2020-03-03 14:54:05 +01:00
parent 319667096f
commit d09ac8fbce
1 changed files with 17 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -127,6 +127,23 @@ class ImageContentRenderer @Inject constructor(private val activeSessionHolder:
.listener(object : RequestListener<Drawable> {
override fun onResourceReady(resource: Drawable?, model: Any?, target: Target<Drawable>?, dataSource: DataSource?, isFirstResource: Boolean): Boolean {
return false
override fun onLoadFailed(e: GlideException?, model: Any?, target: Target<Drawable>?, isFirstResource: Boolean): Boolean {
?.takeIf { it != resolvedUrl }
?.let {
return false
return true