Avoid downloading same file several times

This commit is contained in:
Valere 2020-06-25 12:14:17 +02:00 committed by Benoit Marty
parent 33698abfb2
commit 01fdc6d1bb
2 changed files with 72 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ interface FileService {
enum class FileState {
* Download a file.
* Result will be a decrypted file, stored in the cache folder. id parameter will be used to create a sub folder to avoid name collision.
@ -63,4 +69,6 @@ interface FileService {
* (if not other app won't be able to access it)
fun getTemporarySharableURI(mxcUrl: String, mimeType: String?): Uri?
fun fileState(mxcUrl: String, mimeType: String?) : FileState

View File

@ -22,16 +22,17 @@ import android.webkit.MimeTypeMap
import androidx.core.content.FileProvider
import arrow.core.Try
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.MatrixCallback
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.extensions.tryThis
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.content.ContentUrlResolver
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.file.FileService
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.util.Cancelable
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.util.NoOpCancellable
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.crypto.attachments.ElementToDecrypt
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.crypto.attachments.MXEncryptedAttachments
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.di.CacheDirectory
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.di.ExternalFilesDirectory
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.di.SessionDownloadsDirectory
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.di.WithProgress
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.extensions.foldToCallback
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.task.TaskExecutor
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.util.MatrixCoroutineDispatchers
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.util.toCancelable
@ -65,9 +66,14 @@ internal class DefaultFileService @Inject constructor(
private val downloadFolder = File(sessionCacheDirectory, "MF")
* Retain ongoing downloads to avoid re-downloading and already downloading file
* map of mxCurl to callbacks
private val ongoing = mutableMapOf<String, ArrayList<MatrixCallback<File>>>()
* Download file in the cache folder, and eventually decrypt it
* TODO implement clear file, to delete "MF"
* TODO looks like files are copied 3 times
override fun downloadFile(downloadMode: FileService.DownloadMode,
@ -77,10 +83,29 @@ internal class DefaultFileService @Inject constructor(
url: String?,
elementToDecrypt: ElementToDecrypt?,
callback: MatrixCallback<File>): Cancelable {
val unwrappedUrl = url ?: return NoOpCancellable.also {
callback.onFailure(IllegalArgumentException("url is null"))
Timber.v("## FileService downloadFile $unwrappedUrl")
synchronized(ongoing) {
val existing = ongoing[unwrappedUrl]
if (existing != null) {
Timber.v("## FileService downloadFile is already downloading.. ")
return NoOpCancellable
} else {
// mark as tracked
ongoing[unwrappedUrl] = ArrayList()
// and proceed to download
return taskExecutor.executorScope.launch(coroutineDispatchers.main) {
withContext(coroutineDispatchers.io) {
Try {
val unwrappedUrl = url ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("url is null")
if (!downloadFolder.exists()) {
@ -94,7 +119,7 @@ internal class DefaultFileService @Inject constructor(
val request = Request.Builder()
.header("matrix-sdk:mxc_URL", url ?: "")
.header("matrix-sdk:mxc_URL", url)
val response = try {
@ -131,8 +156,31 @@ internal class DefaultFileService @Inject constructor(
Try.just(copyFile(destFile, downloadMode))
// notify concurrent requests
val toNotify = synchronized(ongoing) {
ongoing[unwrappedUrl]?.also {
toNotify?.forEach { otherCallbacks ->
tryThis { otherCallbacks.onFailure(it) }
}, { file ->
// notify concurrent requests
val toNotify = synchronized(ongoing) {
ongoing[unwrappedUrl]?.also {
Timber.v("## FileService additional to notify ${toNotify?.size ?: 0} ")
toNotify?.forEach { otherCallbacks ->
tryThis { otherCallbacks.onSuccess(file) }
@ -142,7 +190,15 @@ internal class DefaultFileService @Inject constructor(
override fun isFileInCache(mxcUrl: String, mimeType: String?): Boolean {
return File(downloadFolder, fileForUrl(mxcUrl, mimeType)).exists()
return File(downloadFolder, fileForUrl(mxcUrl, mimeType)).exists()
override fun fileState(mxcUrl: String, mimeType: String?): FileService.FileState {
if (isFileInCache(mxcUrl,mimeType)) return FileService.FileState.IN_CACHE
val isDownloading = synchronized(ongoing) {
ongoing[mxcUrl] != null
return if (isDownloading) FileService.FileState.DOWNLOADING else FileService.FileState.UNKNOWN
@ -158,6 +214,7 @@ internal class DefaultFileService @Inject constructor(
private fun copyFile(file: File, downloadMode: FileService.DownloadMode): File {
// TODO some of this seems outdated, will need to be re-worked
return when (downloadMode) {
FileService.DownloadMode.TO_EXPORT ->
file.copyTo(File(externalFilesDirectory, file.name), true)