
222 lines
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* Throttle Quadrant using Arduino Micro & slide potentiometers
* version 1.11
* Jarno Rankinen
* It is recommended to connect one slider at a time and calibrate, then wire the next one and so on.
* Check the input pins in setup()!!
* Shows up as three joysticks, all named "Arduino Micro", use simulators own interface to bind the controls to correct axis.
* It may be necessary to invert some axis.
* Calibration: (for throttle_l-axis in this example, you only need to do this once or after hardware modifications)
* - Set calib = true
* - Upload to Arduino
* - Open the serial monitor
* - Move the slider corresponding to throttle_l-axis to its min & max positions
* - Note the min & max values of throttle_l
* - Input the values to throttle_lmin & throttle_lmax
* - Upload to Arduino
* - Repeat for each axis
* - Afterwards set calib == false & Upload to Arduino
* - Remember to calibrate controller in the simulator
* Changelog:
* v1.0 Initial release
* v1.1 Switched to Joystick.h (single joystick library) for hassle-free Linux support. Changed behavior to update joystick axis output value
* only if raw value changes more than +/-3, to filter input and allow simultaneous keyboard control.
* v1.11 Added rule to ignore spike values outside min-max range
* v1.2 Improved signal filtering. DELTA_MIN defines treshold for ignoring small changes, DELTA_MAX defines treshold for ignoring sudden large changes
* from e.g. faulty potentiometers. Not perfect yet.
#include "Joystick.h"
//constants to filter input value glitching
const uint8_t DELTA_MIN = 2;
const uint8_t DELTA_MAX = 10;
bool update = false;
uint16_t throttle_l = 0; // raw data from the slider
uint16_t throttle_lmin = 14, throttle_lmax = 236; //min & max values for calibration
int throttle_l_axis = -128; // the value to give to the Joystick axis
int tl_old = -128;
uint16_t throttle_r = 0;
uint16_t throttle_rmin = 14, throttle_rmax = 234;
int throttle_r_axis = -128;
int tr_old = -128;
uint16_t prop_l = 0;
uint16_t prop_lmin = 14, prop_lmax = 226;
int prop_l_axis = 127;
int pl_old = 127;
uint16_t prop_r = 0;
uint16_t prop_rmin = 14, prop_rmax = 232;
int prop_r_axis = 359;
int pr_old = 359;
uint16_t mix_l = 0;
uint16_t mix_lmin = 15, mix_lmax = 231;
int mix_l_axis = 0;
int ml_old = 0;
uint16_t mix_r = 0;
uint16_t mix_rmin = 15, mix_rmax = 235;
int mix_r_axis = 0;
int mr_old = 0;
double rotation_multip = 1.591;
/************* SET THIS AS true TO TURN CALIBRATION ON********************/
bool calib = false; //Serial monitor on/off
unsigned int delta(uint16_t a, uint16_t b) {
int x = a - b;
return abs(x);
void setup() {
//Check that these are correct for your build
pinMode(A0, INPUT_PULLUP); //left throttle, X-axis
pinMode(A1, INPUT_PULLUP); //right throttle, Y-axis
pinMode(A2, INPUT_PULLUP); //left prop, Z-axis
pinMode(A3, INPUT_PULLUP); //right prop, X-rotation axis
pinMode(A4, INPUT_PULLUP); //left mixture, Y-rotation axis
pinMode(A5, INPUT_PULLUP); //right mixture, rudder axis
tl_old = throttle_l = analogRead(A0);
tr_old = throttle_r = analogRead(A1);
pl_old = prop_l = analogRead(A2);
pr_old = prop_r = analogRead(A3);
ml_old = mix_l = analogRead(A4);
mr_old = mix_r = analogRead(A5);
void loop() {
throttle_l = analogRead(A0);
if (calib == false && (throttle_l > throttle_lmax)) throttle_l = throttle_lmax;
if (calib == false && (throttle_l < throttle_lmin)) throttle_l = throttle_lmin;
throttle_r = analogRead(A1);
if (calib == false && (throttle_r > throttle_rmax)) throttle_r = throttle_rmax;
if (calib == false && (throttle_r < throttle_rmin)) throttle_r = throttle_rmin;
prop_l = analogRead(A2);
if (calib == false && (prop_l > prop_lmax)) prop_l = prop_lmax;
if (calib == false && (prop_l < prop_lmin)) prop_l = prop_lmin;
prop_r = analogRead(A3);
if (calib == false && (prop_r > prop_rmax)) prop_r = prop_rmax;
if (calib == false && (prop_r < prop_rmin)) prop_r = prop_rmin;
mix_l = analogRead(A4);
if (calib == false && (mix_l > mix_lmax)) mix_l = mix_lmax;
if (calib == false && (mix_l < mix_lmin)) mix_l = mix_lmin;
mix_r = analogRead(A5);
if (calib == false && (mix_r > mix_rmax)) mix_r = mix_rmax;
if (calib == false && (mix_r < mix_rmin)) mix_r = mix_rmin;
if(calib==true) { //Serial monitor for calibration
Serial.print(" -> ");
Serial.print(" -> ");
Serial.print(" -> ");
Serial.print(" -> ");
Serial.print(" -> ");
Serial.print(" -> ");
if (DELTA_MIN<delta(throttle_l, tl_old) && delta(throttle_l, tl_old)<DELTA_MAX) {
throttle_l_axis = 256*throttle_l/(throttle_lmax-throttle_lmin+5) - 128 - throttle_lmin; //convert raw values -> -128 - 128 (roughly, joystick calibration is still recommended via e.g. Windows joystick interface)
tl_old = throttle_l;
update = true;
else if (DELTA_MIN<delta(throttle_r, tr_old) && delta(throttle_r, tr_old)<DELTA_MAX) {
throttle_r_axis = 256*throttle_r/(throttle_rmax-throttle_rmin+5) - 128 - throttle_rmin;
tr_old = throttle_r;
update = true;
else if (DELTA_MIN<delta(prop_l, pl_old) && delta(prop_l, pl_old)<DELTA_MAX) {
prop_l_axis = 256*prop_l/(prop_lmax-prop_lmin+5) - 128 - prop_lmin;
pl_old = prop_l;
update = true;
else if (DELTA_MIN<delta(prop_r, pr_old) && delta(prop_r, pr_old)<DELTA_MAX) {
prop_r_axis = prop_r * rotation_multip - (prop_rmin + 5);
pr_old = prop_r;
update = true;
else if (DELTA_MIN<delta(mix_l, ml_old) && delta(mix_l, ml_old)<DELTA_MAX) {
mix_l_axis = mix_l * rotation_multip - (mix_lmin + 5);
ml_old = mix_l;
update = true;
else if (DELTA_MIN<delta(mix_r, mr_old) && delta(mix_r, mr_old)<DELTA_MAX) {
mix_r_axis = 254*(mix_r - mix_rmin)/(mix_rmax - mix_rmin);
mr_old = mix_r;
update = true;
else update=false;
if (update==true) {
Serial.println(delta(mr_old, mix_r));