# ThrottleQuadrant A simple 6 axis (3 joysticks x 2 axis) throttle quadrant for Arduino Micro or Leonardo Version 1.0 Jarno Rankinen Requirements: Arduino Micro (or Leonardo, as long as its with the ATMega32U4 chip) 6 linear slide potentiometers (10 kOhm is OK) Wires USB-microUSB cable Breadboard (optional) Arduino IDE Arduino Joystick library: https://github.com/MHeironimus/ArduinoJoystickLibrary/tree/version-1.0 This sketch uses the Joystick3.h -library Download ZIP and place Joystick3 folder to your Documents/Arduino/libraries directory Wiring: For each slider, connect the - slider's GND to Arduino GND - slider's VCC to corresponding analog input The SIGNAL pin of the slider is left unconnected. The pins in the slider are as follows: _____ | | | Vcc | | | SIG | | | | | | | | | | | | | GND |_____| Follow the instructions in the beginning of ThrottleQuadrant.ino to calibrate the sliders. Enjoy flying!